Cannon Busters

Cannon Busters

Cannon Busters: A thrilling journey with S.A.M, a royal-class friendship droid, through a world of danger and excitement. A must-watch anime on Netflix.

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Cannon Busters
Formats Streaming
Duration24 mins
Release DateAugust 15, 2019
End DateAugust 15, 2019

Follow the adventures and exploits of S.A.M, a high-end, royal-class friendship droid who's joined by a quirky, discarded maintenance robot and a brash, deadly fugitive. Together, the unlikely trio embarks on an unforgettable journey in a fantastic and dangerous world in search of S.A.M's best friend, the heir to a powerful kingdom under siege.

(Source: Official Website)

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Editor's Review
Cannon Busters

“Cannon Busters” is an intriguing blend of fantasy and science fiction that takes viewers on a thrilling journey through a world filled with danger and excitement. The series, which was released on Netflix in August 2019, is based on an American fantasy comic book series by LeSean Thomas.

The story revolves around S.A.M, a high-end, royal-class friendship droid who embarks on an unforgettable adventure in search of her best friend, the heir to a powerful kingdom under siege. S.A.M is joined by a quirky, discarded maintenance robot and a brash, deadly fugitive. Together, they traverse through a fantastic and dangerous world.

One of the main characters is Philly the Kid, an outlaw and the youngest wanted criminal in the western regions of Gearbolt. Despite being easily annoyed by his situation, Philly eventually warms up to the presence of S.A.M and Casey. He accompanies Samberry on her journey. Philly’s character adds an element of unpredictability and excitement to the series.

Another key character is Prince Kelby, the young prince of Botica. He was separated from his close friend, S.A.M., when his kingdom was under attack. His journey with Odin to Gara’s Keep adds another layer of intrigue to the plot.

“Cannon Busters” is not just about action and adventure; it also explores themes of friendship and loyalty. The relationship between S.A.M and her companions forms the emotional core of the series. Their interactions provide moments of humor and warmth amidst the action-packed sequences.

The animation quality is top-notch, with vibrant colors and detailed backgrounds that bring the world of “Cannon Busters” to life. The character designs are unique and visually appealing, adding to the overall aesthetic of the series.

In conclusion, “Cannon Busters” is a captivating series that offers a fresh take on the fantasy genre. Its engaging storyline, memorable characters, and stunning visuals make it a must-watch for any anime fan.