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Chio’s School Road
Chio’s School Road

Chio’s School Road

Chio’s School Road: A hilarious anime following high schooler Chio Miyamo’s daily adventures and obstacles on her commute to school. A must-watch for comedy lovers.

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Chio’s School Road
Formats Streaming
Duration24 mins
Release DateJuly 6, 2018
End DateSeptember 21, 2018
FormatTV Series

Miyamo Chio, a first-year at the completely ordinary high school Samejima Academy. Chio just wants to get through her school life without standing out too much, but for some reason, all kinds of obstacles await her along the path she takes to school. Her long-time friend Nonomura Manana, who's trying to quit being an otaku; the flawless Hosokawa Yuki, who occupies the top caste in the school; and lots of nameless people about town find themselves in Chio's path as she employs the (useless) techniques she's acquired from her Western video games in her daily efforts to get to school.

(Source: Crunchyroll)

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Editor's Review
Chio’s School Road

“Chio’s School Road” is an anime that takes a simple premise – a high school girl’s daily commute to school – and turns it into a series of hilarious, unpredictable adventures.

The protagonist, Chio Miyamo, is not your typical anime high school girl. She’s a hardcore gamer who often finds herself applying her gaming strategies to real-life situations, resulting in some truly comedic moments. Chio’s imaginative and often over-the-top problem-solving skills are one of the highlights of the series.

The anime excels in its comedic timing. Each episode presents a new challenge or obstacle for Chio to overcome on her way to school. Whether it’s navigating through construction sites, dealing with biker gangs, or even just trying to cross a road, Chio’s solutions are always unexpected and humorous.

One of the strengths of “Chio’s School Road” is its cast of colorful characters. From the disciplinary committee member Manana to the former biker gang leader ‘Bloody Butterfly’, each character brings their own quirks and comedic elements to the show. Their interactions with Chio add depth to the storyline and keep the audience engaged.

The animation style of “Chio’s School Road” complements its comedic nature. The exaggerated facial expressions and movements of the characters enhance the humor of the situations. The background art is detailed and vibrant, making Chio’s daily commute feel dynamic and lively.

The pacing of the anime is well-executed. Each episode is self-contained, allowing for easy viewing. However, there is also continuity in character development and recurring jokes, which rewards regular viewers.

In terms of voice acting, the performances are top-notch. The actors successfully bring their characters to life, adding another layer of comedy to the series.

In conclusion, “Chio’s School Road” is a must-watch for fans of comedy anime. It offers a fresh take on the slice-of-life genre by injecting humor into mundane everyday scenarios. With its lovable characters, clever writing, and excellent comedic timing, “Chio’s School Road” is sure to leave you laughing out loud.