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DanMachi is an anime series based on a light novel by Fujino Omori. It follows the adventures of Bell Cranel, a young man who dreams of becoming the best adventurer in the city of Orario

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Duration24 mins
Release DateApril 4, 2015
End DateJune 27, 2015
FormatTV Series

Some adventurers delve into the sprawling labyrinths beneath the city of Orario to find fame and fortune. Others come to test their skills against the legions of monsters lurking in the darkness below. However, Bell Cranel’s grandfather told him a different reason: it’s a great place to rescue (and subsequently meet) girls! Now that Bell’s a dungeon delver himself, the ladies he’s encountering aren’t the helpless damsels in distress he’d imagined, and one of them, the beautiful swordswoman Ais Wallenstein, keeps rescuing Bell instead. As embarrassing as that is, it’s nothing compared to what happens when goddesses get involved. Freya, Hephaistos, and Loki, with their powerful Familias, are intimidating enough, but there’s one goddess whose relationship with Bell is certain to spark trouble.

(Source: Sentai Filmworks)

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Editor's Review

DanMachi, also known as Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?, is an anime series based on a light novel by Fujino Omori. It follows the adventures of Bell Cranel, a young man who dreams of becoming the best adventurer in the city of Orario, where gods and goddesses live among humans and grant them blessings to explore the mysterious dungeon that lies beneath the city.

The anime has three seasons, each with 12 or 13 episodes, and a spin-off series called Sword Oratoria, which focuses on the perspective of Ais Wallenstein, a powerful swordswoman who is Bell’s idol and love interest. The anime also has two movies, one of which is a recap of the first season and the other is an original story.

The anime is a mix of fantasy, action, comedy, and romance, with a colorful cast of characters and a rich world-building. The animation is done by J.C.Staff, and the music is composed by Keiji Inai, who create a lively and immersive atmosphere for the viewers. The voice acting is also well-done, with Yoshitsugu Matsuoka as Bell, Inori Minase as Hestia, Saori Onishi as Ais, and many other talented actors.

The anime is enjoyable for fans of fantasy and RPG genres, as it features many elements such as quests, monsters, magic, skills, levels, and items. The anime also explores themes such as friendship, loyalty, courage, ambition, and love, as the characters face various challenges and grow as adventurers and as people. The anime also has a good balance of humor and drama, as it switches from lighthearted moments to intense battles and emotional scenes.

The anime is not without its flaws, however. Some of the criticisms that the anime receives are its fanservice, its clichés, its pacing, and its adaptation. The anime has a lot of fanservice, especially in the first season, which may turn off some viewers who are looking for a more serious or mature story. The anime also relies on some clichés, such as the harem trope, the damsel in distress trope, and the overpowered protagonist trope, which may make the anime predictable or boring for some viewers. The anime also has some pacing issues, as some arcs are rushed or skipped, while others are dragged or filler. The anime also deviates from the source material, which may disappoint some fans of the light novel or the manga.

Overall, DanMachi is an entertaining and engaging anime that offers a fun and exciting adventure in a fantasy world. It has a charming and likable protagonist, a diverse and interesting supporting cast, a captivating and mysterious setting, and a thrilling and dynamic plot. It is a recommended anime for anyone who enjoys fantasy, action, comedy, and romance, and who is willing to overlook its flaws and appreciate its strengths.