“Deaimon: Recipe for Happiness” is a heartwarming anime series that aired from April 6, 2022, to June 22, 2022. The series revolves around Nagomu Irino, a young man who left his home to pursue his dream but ultimately failed. After hearing that his father, the owner of the Kyoto sweets store Ryokushou, has been hospitalized, Nagomu decides to return home.
Upon his return, Nagomu discovers that his father has already chosen a different successor—a 10-year-old girl named Itsuka Yukihira. Itsuka was abandoned at Ryokushou by her father for reasons unknown and has since become a part of the family and the shop’s poster girl. Despite starting on bad terms, Itsuka and Nagomu gradually learn more about each other, realizing that they are more similar than they had thought.
One of the unique aspects of “Deaimon: Recipe for Happiness” is its focus on the art of making sweets. Nagomu’s passion for cooking and his belief in the power of good food add a unique flavor to the series. The series also does a commendable job of portraying Nagomu’s character development as he transitions from a dreamer to a successor of his family’s legacy.
However, “Deaimon: Recipe for Happiness” is not without its flaws. Some viewers have found it to be just average. It’s not a masterpiece but it still exceeded expectations. Despite these criticisms, the series has been praised for its unique premise and engaging storyline.
In conclusion, “Deaimon: Recipe for Happiness” offers an intriguing blend of family drama and culinary arts. While it may not be perfect, it provides an entertaining viewing experience with its unique storyline and interesting characters. Whether you’re a fan of cooking shows or looking for a heartwarming anime series, “Deaimon: Recipe for Happiness” is worth checking out.