“Eureka Seven: AO” is a mecha anime TV series by Bones, serving as a sequel to the original Eureka Seven anime1. The story revolves around Ao Fukai, a young boy who “sets destiny in motion again when he held the power1.
Ao Thurston is a 13-year-old boy living in the year 2025 in Iwato island, Okinawa with Dr. Toshio Fukai ever since Ao’s mother Eureka disappeared 10 years ago1. When a mysterious organization attacks the local Scub Coral, Ao somehow gets mixed up in the battle and manages to activate a mysterious robot called the Nirvash while it is being transported by the Japanese Forces1. Later, Ao finds out that the Nirvash belonged to Eureka, and by joining Team Pied Piper of Generation Bleu, he embarks on a journey to find his mother and learn the truth about his origins1.
Like its predecessor, Eureka Seven: AO works on a variety of themes. The most obvious are the themes of acceptance, love, growing up, and responsibility1. Allegories of world conflicts and wars, political climates, and environmental movements are presented in the series1.
The anime does an excellent job of building suspense and intrigue. The viewers are kept on their toes as they follow Ao’s journey, unraveling mysteries along the way. The character development is well-executed, with each character having their unique backstory that adds depth to the narrative.
In conclusion, “Eureka Seven: AO” is a captivating anime that combines elements of action, mystery, mecha, and adventure. It offers viewers an intriguing storyline filled with suspense and unexpected twists. Whether you’re a fan of mecha-themed shows or looking for an anime with a unique premise, “Eureka Seven: AO” is worth checking out.