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Ganbare Douki-chan
Ganbare Douki-Chan

Ganbare Douki-chan

Ganbare Douki-chan is a hilarious and heartwarming novel about an office lady who tries to confess her love to her coworker, but faces competition from other girls. Will she succeed? Find out now!

MyAnimeList Rating
Ganbare Douki-Chan
Formats Streaming
Duration6 mins
Release DateSeptember 20, 2021
End DateDecember 6, 2021

Announced on Yom's Twitter, a web anime adaptation of Ganbare, Douki-chan.The story follows an office lady, Douki-chan, who is working with Douki-kun in an office. Unbeknownst to Douki-kun, Douki-chan secretly has feelings for him. As Douki-chan struggles to confess her feelings, her rivals, both the kohai and senpai, continue to vie for his affection.

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Ganbare Douki-chan

Ganbare Douki-chan is a short anime series based on a popular webcomic by Yomu. It follows the comedic and romantic adventures of Douki-chan, a female office worker who has a crush on her colleague, Senpai. She tries to get closer to him and confess her feelings, but she has to deal with the interference of other girls who also like him, such as Kouhai-chan, Sempai-chan, and Goukon-chan. The anime is full of funny and cute moments, as well as some fanservice and ecchi scenes. The animation is colorful and expressive, and the voice acting is lively and charming. The anime is suitable for fans of slice-of-life, comedy, and romance genres. Ganbare Douki-chan is a fun and enjoyable anime that will make you laugh and cheer for Douki-chan’s love quest.