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"Gangsta" is an intense anime series that explores the gritty underworld of Ergastalum, featuring complex characters and action-packed sequences.

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Duration24 mins
Release DateJuly 2, 2015
End DateSeptember 24, 2015
FormatTV Series

In the city of Ergastulum, a shady ville filled with made men and petty thieves, whores on the make and cops on the take, there are some deeds too dirty for even its jaded inhabitants to touch. Enter the "Handymen," Nic and Worick, who take care of the jobs no one else will handle. Until the day when a cop they know on the force requests their help in taking down a new gang muscling in on the territory of a top Mafia family. It seems like business (and mayhem) as usual, but the Handymen are about to find that this job is a lot more than they bargained for.

(Source: Anime News Network)

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Editor's Review

“Gangsta” is a riveting anime series that delves into the gritty underworld of Ergastalum, a city teeming with mafia syndicates, petty thieves, and corrupt cops12. The series centers around two mercenaries, Nicholas Brown and Worick Arcangelo, known as the “Handymen,” who undertake jobs that no one else dares to touch12.

The Handymen are contracted by both powerful mob syndicates and the police, making them a unique entity in the city’s complex power dynamics1. Their reputation for handling dirty jobs with efficiency and discretion makes them indispensable to the city’s inhabitants2.

Nicholas and Worick are not your typical protagonists. Nicholas is a “Twilight,” a super-human being born as the result of a special drug1. Worick, on the other hand, has his own mysterious past. Their contrasting personalities and backgrounds add depth to their characters and their dynamic partnership.

The narrative of “Gangsta” is action-packed and intense, reflecting the harsh realities of life in Ergastalum12. The series does not shy away from depicting violence and mature themes, making it a stark departure from typical anime tropes.

One of the standout aspects of “Gangsta” is its character development. Each character in the series is well fleshed out with their own backstory and motivations. This attention to detail extends to the supporting cast as well, making the world of “Gangsta” feel real and lived-in.

The animation quality of “Gangsta” is top-notch. The action sequences are fluid and dynamic, capturing the intensity of the battles in stunning detail. The sound design complements the visuals perfectly, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

In conclusion, “Gangsta” is a compelling anime series that offers a gritty and realistic portrayal of life in a city controlled by mafia syndicates. It stands out for its complex characters, intense action sequences, and mature storytelling. Whether you’re a fan of action-packed anime or character-driven narratives, “Gangsta” is definitely worth a watch12.