Giant Killing

Giant Killing

Giant Killing” is an anime about East Tokyo United’s struggle in Japan’s top football league under the guidance of their eccentric coach, Tatsumi Takeshi

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Giant Killing
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Duration24 mins
Release DateApril 4, 2010
End DateSeptember 26, 2010
FormatTV Series

East Tokyo United, ETU, has been struggling in Japan's top football league for a few years. It has taken everything they have just to avoid relegation. To make matters even worse, the fans are starting to abandon the team.

In an effort to improve their performance, ETU has hired a new coach, the slightly eccentric Tatsumi Takeshi. Tatsumi, who was considered a great football player when he was younger, abandoned the team years before but has proven himself as the manager of one of England's lower division amateur teams. The task won't be easy, the teams East Tokyo United is pitted against have bigger budgets and better players. However, Tatsumi is an expert at Giant Killing.

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Editor's Review

“Giant Killing” is a riveting anime series that delves into the world of professional football. The story revolves around East Tokyo United (ETU), a team that has been struggling in Japan’s top football league for several years. The team’s performance has been so poor that they have barely managed to avoid relegation, and their fan base is starting to dwindle.

In an effort to turn things around, ETU hires Takeshi Tatsumi as their new coach. Tatsumi, a former star player for ETU, had left the team at the height of his career to play for a foreign club. After retiring as a player, Tatsumi proved his mettle as a manager by leading an English Division 5 amateur team to the fourth round of the FA Cup.

Tatsumi’s return to ETU is met with skepticism and protest from fans who view him as a traitor. However, Tatsumi remains unfazed by the negativity and is confident in his ability to bring glory back to ETU. His somewhat eccentric management decisions are initially contested by the board and supporters, but they start to bear fruit as ETU begins to make a comeback.

“Giant Killing” does an excellent job of portraying the trials and tribulations of a struggling football team. It provides an in-depth look into the dynamics of professional football, making it an educational experience as well. The anime does not shy away from showcasing the challenges faced by ETU, adding a layer of realism to the story.

The character development in “Giant Killing” is commendable. Each character has a distinct personality, and their interactions add depth to the storyline. The bond between Tatsumi and his players forms the emotional core of the series.

In conclusion, “Giant Killing” is a compelling anime that provides an insightful look into the world of professional football. It presents a realistic portrayal of the struggles faced by a football team while also highlighting their passion and dedication. The series leaves viewers with a deeper understanding of what it takes to achieve success in professional football.