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Grimms Notes The Animation
Grimms Notes The Animation

Grimms Notes The Animation

Grimms Notes The Animation: A unique anime set in a world where everyone’s life is predetermined by a ‘Book of Fate’. Follows four heroes with blank books.

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Grimms Notes The Animation
Formats Streaming
Duration24 mins
Release DateJanuary 11, 2019
End DateMarch 29, 2019
FormatTV Series

The game takes place in a world created by a beings known as "Story Tellers." At birth, all inhabitants of this world are bestowed with a "book of fate" where all their lives are written in advance. However, rogue Story Tellers known as Chaos Tellers are writing bad events into people's books without them knowing. It is up to the holders of blank books of fate to seek out the Chaos Tellers and restore the world.

(Source: Anime News Network)

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Editor's Review
Grimms Notes The Animation

“Grimms Notes The Animation” is a unique anime series that takes place in a world created by beings known as “Story Tellers”. At birth, all inhabitants of this world are bestowed with a “book of fate” where all their lives are written in advance. This book determines every detail of their lives, trapping them in a predetermined destiny.

The series follows the story of four individuals: Ex, Reina, Tao, and Shane. They were born with blank books, an abnormality that led them to be ostracized by society. As a result, they abandon their respective stories in search of better lives.

In their journey through the vast unknown, they encounter famous fairy tale characters such as Cinderella, Momotarou, and Snow White. However, their world is not as peaceful as it seems. Some Story Tellers choose to interfere with the stories of others rather than write their own. These malevolent beings are known as Chaos Tellers, who seek to ruin stories by overwriting the Books of Fate.

The protagonists must work together to subdue the Chaos Tellers and return peace and order to the stories. Despite having no predetermined story of their own, they embark on a journey filled with adventure and danger.

“Grimms Notes The Animation” stands out for its unique premise and engaging plot. The series successfully combines elements of action, adventure, and fantasy. The character development is well-executed, with each character having their own unique personality and background.

In addition to its engaging storyline and characters, “Grimms Notes The Animation” also excels in its animation. The animation is vibrant and detailed, effectively bringing the world of the series to life. The series also features a compelling soundtrack that enhances the viewing experience.

In conclusion, “Grimms Notes The Animation” is an intriguing anime series that offers a unique blend of action, adventure, and fantasy. Its engaging storyline, well-developed characters, innovative use of technology, and high-quality animation make it a must-watch for any anime fan.

(1) Grimms Notes The Animation (TV Series 2019– ) – IMDb.
(2) Grimms Notes the Animation em português brasileiro – Crunchyroll.
(3) Grimms Notes The Animation – Episodes –
(4) Grimms Notes The Animation –