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Heaven’s Design Team
Heaven’S Design Team

Heaven’s Design Team

"Heaven's Design Team" é uma série de anime que segue uma equipe celestial encarregada de criar novas formas de vida.

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Heaven’S Design Team
Formats Streaming
Duration24 mins
Release DateJanuary 8, 2021
End DateMarch 25, 2021
FormatTV Series

I made the light, the water, and the earth below. Now it's time to make the life that dwells upon it. Actually... that sounds like a giant headache, so I'll contract it out! Heaven's Design Team is an agency that creates made-to-order life forms for their client, God. Why does this life form look like that? Why does this life form live this way? Watch the trials and successes of the designers and engineers forced to breathe life into God's absurd requests!

(Source: Crunchyroll)

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Editor's Review
Heaven’s Design Team

“Heaven’s Design Team” is a unique anime series that offers a comedic and educational take on the creation of life. The series revolves around an organization appointed by God, known as the Heaven’s Design Team, which is tasked with creating a wide variety of new animals.

The story follows Shimoda, a newly-hired angel who serves as the mediator between God and the design team. As he steps into his role, he witnesses his coworkers conceive interesting ideas for many unique life forms according to God’s desires.

One of the standout aspects of “Heaven’s Design Team” is its educational value. The series provides viewers with fascinating insights into why certain forms of life have the appearance they do and why they live the way they live. This blend of humor and education makes the series both entertaining and informative.

The animation style of “Heaven’s Design Team” is visually appealing, capturing the essence of the comedic genre. The character designs are distinctive and memorable, adding to the overall charm of the series.

In terms of character development, “Heaven’s Design Team” does an excellent job. The characters are well-rounded and evolve over the course of the series, reflecting their experiences in creating various forms of life.

In conclusion, “Heaven’s Design Team” is a captivating anime series that offers a fresh take on the comedic genre. Its compelling storyline, dynamic characters, and educational undertones make it a must-watch for any anime fan.