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King’s Game
King’S Game

King’s Game

Survive the deadly ‘King’s Game’ in this gripping anime, where high school student Nobuaki Kanazawa battles against a mysterious and lethal force.

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King’S Game
Formats Streaming
Duration24 mins
Release DateOctober 5, 2017
End DateDecember 21, 2017
FormatTV Series

The story begins when an entire high school class of 32 people receive a message on their cellphones from a person known only as the "King." The messages contain orders that the students must obey, or they risk the punishment of death. With their lives on the line, the students soon find out that the orders are getting more and more extreme as time goes on.

(Source: Anime News Network)

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Editor's Review
King’s Game

“King’s Game” is a gripping anime that masterfully combines elements of horror, mystery, and supernatural themes.

The narrative is centered around Nobuaki Kanazawa, a high school student who transfers to Kure Academy following the first game. Nobuaki was once a cheerful student with many friends before the first King’s Game. Afterwards, Nobuaki was so mentally damaged that he tried to transfer to a new school.

While at this new school, Nobuaki has extreme difficulty making friends due to his aggressive nature and fear of losing any potential friends. Thus, when the King’s Game begun again, Nobuaki tries to get everyone to work together to survive but everyone refused to believe him. After the deaths of many classmates, the remaining survivors, with the exception of Natsuko, gradually begin to trust him and be grateful for his attempt to try to save everyone.

The anime does an exceptional job in portraying these complex relationships. The characters are well-developed with distinct personalities that add depth to the narrative. The animation style is visually appealing, complementing the emotional intensity of the storyline.

What sets “King’s Game” apart is its exploration of memories and their impact on our lives. It delves into how our past shapes our present and how our memories influence our decisions and relationships. It beautifully illustrates that memories, whether joyful or painful, are integral parts of our identity.

The anime also touches upon the concept of time – how it can be a barrier to love and yet, a medium to nurture it. While time stands as an obstacle in Chihiro’s life due to her condition, it serves as a tool for Hiro and Miyako’s relationship to flourish.

In conclusion, “King’s Game” is more than just an anime about romantic relationships. It’s a poignant tale about life’s complexities, the human capacity for love, and the power of memories. It’s a must-watch for anyone seeking a thought-provoking narrative that leaves a lasting impression.