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Listen to Me, Girls. I Am Your Father!
Listen to Me, Girls. I Am Your Father!

Listen to Me, Girls. I Am Your Father!

Listen to Me, Girls. I Am Your Father! - A heartwarming anime about Yuuta Segawa, who steps up to care for his nieces after a family tragedy. A tale of love, loss, and family bonds.

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Listen to Me, Girls. I Am Your Father!
Formats Streaming
Duration23 mins
Release DateJanuary 11, 2012
End DateMarch 28, 2012
FormatTV Series

Segawa Yuta is a freshman of a university. He lost his parents when he was small and was raised by his sister Yuri. Yuta has been living alone since Yuri got married to a middle aged man when Yuta was a junior high student.

One day, Yuri visited Yuta's apartment and asked him to take care of her three daughters while Yuri and her husband were on a trip. He unwillingly accepted the job but the plane Yuri took went missing. In order to prevent the daughters from being adopted separately by relatives, Yuta decided to take in all three girls.

A life of a strange family in a tiny apartment begins.

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Editor's Review
Listen to Me, Girls. I Am Your Father!

“Listen to Me, Girls. I Am Your Father!” is a heartwarming anime that beautifully explores the themes of family, responsibility, and the trials and tribulations of unexpected parenthood.

The story revolves around Yuuta Segawa, a college student who suddenly finds himself in the role of a parent to his three nieces – Sora, Miu, and Hina. This unexpected turn of events occurs when their parents tragically pass away in a plane crash. Despite being young and inexperienced, Yuuta bravely steps up to the challenge, determined to provide a loving and stable environment for his nieces.

The anime does an excellent job of portraying the struggles and joys of parenthood. Yuuta’s journey is not an easy one – he has to balance his studies, part-time job, and social life with the demands of raising three children. However, it’s through these challenges that Yuuta grows as a person. He learns about sacrifice, patience, and unconditional love – qualities that define true parenthood.

The three girls, each with their unique personalities and quirks, add depth to the story. Sora, the eldest, is mature for her age and often helps Yuuta with household chores. Miu, the middle child, is energetic and cheerful, often lightening up the mood with her antics. Hina, the youngest, is adorable and innocent, her childlike wonder adding a touch of sweetness to the show.

What makes “Listen to Me, Girls. I Am Your Father!” stand out is its realistic portrayal of family dynamics. It shows that families come in all shapes and sizes – what matters is not blood relation but the bond of love and care that holds them together.

The anime also touches upon the theme of loss and grief. It shows how each character copes with their parents’ death in their own way. It’s a poignant reminder that everyone grieves differently, and it’s okay to take your time to heal.

In conclusion, “Listen to Me, Girls. I Am Your Father!” is a touching anime that will make you laugh, cry, and reflect on the importance of family. It’s a story about growing up – not just for the three girls but for Yuuta as well. It’s about finding hope in despair and strength in vulnerability. It’s a must-watch for anyone who appreciates a good family drama.