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Love Lab
Love Lab

Love Lab

“Love Lab” is a romantic comedy anime set in Fujisaki Girls Academy. It follows student council president Natsuo Maki and her friend Riko Kurahashi as they research love

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Love Lab
Formats Streaming
Duration24 mins
Release DateJune 30, 2013
End DateSeptember 27, 2013
FormatTV Series

The Fujisaki Girls Academy is known for their school body being composed of very proper students. The most prominent one of them is Maki, the student president who is admired by her classmates for her calm and polite demeanor. On the other hand, Kurahashi Riko is also admired but for having a very forward and boyish personality. Riko accidentally walks into Maki while she's practicing kissing with a pillow and learns that she isn't what everyone thinks she is. Riko is forced into keeping Maki's secret and join her in practicing all aspects of romance like holding hands and more.

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Editor's Review
Love Lab

“Love Lab” is a delightful anime series that offers a unique blend of comedy, romance, and slice-of-life elements. The story is set in the prestigious Fujisaki Girls Academy and revolves around the student council president Natsuo Maki and her friend Riko Kurahashi. Together, they embark on a quest to research love and romance.

The narrative of “Love Lab” is engaging and filled with humor. Each episode presents a new “experiment” in love for Maki and Riko to conduct, resulting in a series of comedic and heartwarming moments. The plot is well-paced, gradually revealing the complexities of love and relationships through the eyes of the characters.

The characters in “Love Lab” are well-developed and likable. Maki, despite her seemingly perfect exterior, is endearingly naive about love. Riko, on the other hand, is portrayed as a more down-to-earth character who provides a grounded perspective on their research. The dynamic between these two characters forms the heart of the series.

The animation quality of “Love Lab” is top-notch. The series features vibrant visuals and detailed character designs that bring the world of Fujisaki Girls Academy to life. The comedic moments are enhanced by the expressive animation, adding to the overall charm of the series.

One standout aspect of “Love Lab” is its exploration of themes such as friendship, self-discovery, and the complexities of love. Through its depiction of Maki and Riko’s “experiments”, the series provides insightful commentary on these themes.

In terms of humor, “Love Lab” delivers in spades. The series is filled with hilarious moments that are sure to leave viewers laughing out loud. Whether it’s Maki’s over-the-top fantasies or Riko’s reactions to their outrageous experiments, “Love Lab” never fails to entertain.

In conclusion, “Love Lab” is a charming anime series that offers a unique premise, engaging narrative, well-developed characters, and high-quality animation. Its blend of comedy, romance, and slice-of-life elements makes it a must-watch for any anime fan.