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Magical Girl Raising Project
Magical Girl Raising Project

Magical Girl Raising Project

Magical Girl Raising Project: A thrilling survival game where 16 magical girls compete to remain among the final 8, in a world where good deeds matter.

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Magical Girl Raising Project
Formats Streaming
Duration24 mins
Release DateOctober 2, 2016
End DateDecember 18, 2016
FormatTV Series

A social game called The Magical Girl Raising Project allows one in tens of thousands of people to be a "magical girl" — possessing extraordinary physical capabilities and looks, as well as special magical powers that set them apart from the rest of the human race. But one day, in a district containing 16 magical girls, the administration announces that it must halve the number of magical girls to solve the problem of magical energy.

(Source: Anime News Network)

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Editor's Review
Magical Girl Raising Project

“Magical Girl Raising Project” is a gripping anime series that takes the magical girl genre and gives it a dark, survival game twist. The story revolves around 16 magical girls who are forced to compete in a survival game, where only half of them can remain as magical girls by the end.

The anime is set in a world where a popular social game, “Magical Girl Raising Project,” has the power to grant players real-life magical girl abilities. However, the catch is that there are too many magical girls in the city, and the population needs to be halved. This premise sets the stage for a thrilling and heart-wrenching survival game.

The characters are one of the anime’s strong points. Each magical girl is unique, with their own distinct abilities, personalities, and motivations. This diversity adds depth to the story and keeps viewers engaged as they root for their favorite characters.

The plot is filled with unexpected twists and turns that keep viewers on the edge of their seats. The survival game aspect adds a layer of tension and urgency to the story, as viewers are left wondering who will survive each episode.

However, “Magical Girl Raising Project” is not for the faint-hearted. It explores dark themes and doesn’t shy away from showing the harsh realities of survival games. The anime does an excellent job of balancing cute magical girl aesthetics with darker elements, creating a unique viewing experience.

The animation and art style are top-notch, with vibrant colors and detailed character designs that bring the magical girls to life. The action scenes are well-animated and exciting to watch.

In conclusion, “Magical Girl Raising Project” is a must-watch for fans of the magical girl genre looking for a darker twist. Its unique premise, engaging characters, thrilling plot, and high-quality animation make it a standout anime series.