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Needless: Set in a post-apocalyptic Japan, this anime follows a group of superhumans with ‘fragments’ powers, fighting against the research group Simeon.

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Duration24 mins
Release DateJuly 3, 2009
End DateDecember 11, 2009
FormatTV Series

The year is 2130 and the world has been decimated by a devastating third world war, making the planet a dangerous, apocalyptic hellhole. There is, however, one hope: Adam Blade, a fake priest with big fists and a nasty disposition. He's the closest thing this world's got to a superhero, but like any superhero, he has a weakness. In Adam's case, it isn't Kryptonite; it's cuties in sexy little outfits, usually of the schoolgirl variety.

(Source: Sentai Filmworks)

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Editor's Review

“Needless” is an action-packed anime series that takes place in a post-apocalyptic Japan. The series is set in the year 2130, 50 years after World War III. The war has left a crater where Tokyo once stood, a place now filled with contaminated rubble. This spot, known as “The Black Spot”, has no electrical power and is seen as a dark spherical patch from outer space. The Black Spot eventually becomes populated by outcasts, some of whom, as a result of the contamination, gain various powers called “fragments”. Those in possession of such fragments come to be known as “Needless”.

The series follows the journey of Adam Blade, a destroyer priest who lives in the church in Sector 533. He possesses remarkable regenerative abilities and incredible strength. It was revealed that he is a clone of the strongest Needless, ‘The Second Christ’. His fragment ‘Zero’ allows him to learn the attacks of his enemies, after being hit by it or seeing it.

In order to restore peace to a war-torn Japan, he and his allies must fight together to rise against a heinous research group by the name of Simeon. Simeon is responsible for many atrocities and poses a significant threat to the Needless and the rest of the inhabitants of The Black Spot.

“Needless” stands out for its unique premise and engaging narrative. The series does an excellent job of exploring the characters’ personal struggles and their shared passion for fighting. The use of fragments adds an interesting twist to the traditional superhero setting, creating a visually stunning viewing experience.

The animation quality in “Needless” is top-notch. The character designs are detailed and appealing, and the Black Spot is brought to life with vibrant colors and intricate backgrounds.

In conclusion, “Needless” is a compelling anime series that offers a unique blend of action, drama, and mystery. Its engaging narrative, well-developed characters, and stunning animation make it a must-watch for any anime fan.