“Onmyoji” is an anime series based on a successful mobile game that blends elements of fantasy, action, and history. The story is set in the Heian period, a time when Japan was ruled by emperors and nobles, but also inhabited by spirits and monsters called youkai. The protagonist is Abe no Seimei, a legendary onmyoji who can control youkai with his magical power. He works for the imperial government, solving supernatural cases and protecting the kingdom from youkai threats. He also has a group of allies, such as the samurai Minamoto no Yorimitsu, the monk Guren, Princess Kaguya, and various youkai he has befriended.
The series is divided into two seasons, each consisting of 13 episodes. The first season introduces the main characters and their conflicts, like the rivalry between Seimei and his half-brother Ashiya Doman, another onmyoji who wishes to usurp the emperor’s power. The second season focuses on the war between humans and youkai, instigated by an evil youkai named Kyuuki, who plans to destroy the world. Seimei and his friends must join forces to thwart Kyuuki’s plans and restore harmony between the two worlds.
The anime is a faithful adaptation of the game, maintaining the same characters, settings, and soundtrack. Fans of the game can recognize many scenes and references from the game, such as battles, summonings, and interactions between characters. Additionally, the anime expands the game’s story, adding more details and depth to the characters and events. The anime boasts a beautiful and colorful art style that complements the series’ fantastical theme. The youkai are creatively and diversely drawn, showcasing their different forms and personalities. The action scenes are well-animated and thrilling, displaying the characters’ abilities and powers. The soundtrack consists of traditional Japanese music, creating a mystical and immersive atmosphere.
“Onmyoji” is an anime series that appeals to both fans of the game and new viewers by offering an interesting story, charismatic characters, and a world rich in fantasy and culture. It’s a series worth watching for those who enjoy anime with elements of magic, adventure, and history.