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Paradox Live the Animation
Paradox Live the Animation

Paradox Live the Animation

“Paradox Live the Animation” is an anime set in the near future where saturated hip-hop culture gives rise to the Phantom Live movement.

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Paradox Live the Animation
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Opening theme"RISE UP" by BAE, The Cat's Whiskers, cozmez, Akanyatsura
Ending theme"BaNG!!!" by BAE
Duration24 mins
Release DateOctober 3, 2023
End DateDecember 26, 2023
FormatTV Series

Saturated in hip hop culture comes the birth of a new movement known as “Phantom Live ”. Each of the artists have a metal accessory known as “Phantom Metal” which chemically reacts to the wearer’s emotions to produce an image, setting a magnificent stage for enthusiastic youths. With legendary club “CLUB paradox” hosting the mysterious Paradox Live, four teams: BAE, The Cat’s Whiskers, cozmez and Akanyatsura each receive an invitation to participate, each with their own genre of music in a race to the top. Each of the four teams go into the competition for a reason. As the competition heats up, so do the unimaginably large motives each of them hides…

The curtain now rises on a swirling illusory stage battle between light and darkness–!

(Source: Crunchyroll)

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Editor's Review
Paradox Live the Animation

“Paradox Live the Animation” is a unique anime that debuted in the Fall of 2023. The series is produced by PINE JAM and is based on a mixed media source. The story is set in the near future where the saturated hip-hop culture gives rise to a new movement—the Phantom Live.

The narrative revolves around four groups, BAE, The Cat’s Whiskers, cozmez, and Akanyatsura, who are immensely popular with their respective genres. Each individual and as a team have their own reasons for accepting the invitation to the mysterious Paradox Live Battle, and in order to prove that their own music is the number one, they participate in “stage battles”.

The anime has been met with mixed reviews. Some viewers have praised the character expressions during the first episode as stunning. They implore people to give the anime and music a chance, and while they enjoy all the Paralive songs, the music definitely does get better as time goes on and there are some definite bangers. Plus, the characters and character development are definitely worth it.

However, critics argue that if you come looking for clean musical production, you likely won’t find this enjoyable. A story about hip-hop, with an underground type setting, is a good idea. It’s a widely followed genre and has plenty of room for a great story – and great music to go with it. But this has officially earned the lowest rating for an anime to date.

In conclusion, “Paradox Live the Animation” is an anime that attempts to bring a fresh perspective to the drama and sci-fi genres. While it has its strengths, particularly in its unique premise, it falls short in crucial areas such as character development and plot progression. It’s a series that might appeal to fans of drama and sci-fi anime, but others might find it lacking in depth and complexity.