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Pop Team Epic
Pop Team Epic

Pop Team Epic

Pop Team Epic: An absurdist comedy anime featuring Popuko and Pipimi. Known for its surreal skits, pop culture parodies, and meta humor. A must-watch for anime fans.

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Pop Team Epic
Original Titleポプテピピック
Formats Streaming
Opening theme1: "Twinkling star" by Drop Stars (eps 1)
2: "POP TEAM EPIC" by Sumire Uesaka (eps 2-10)
Ending theme"POPPY PAPPY DAY"
Duration24 mins
Release DateJanuary 7, 2018
End DateMarch 25, 2018
FormatTV Series

Poputepipikku turns absurdist comedy up to eleven with its pop culture references and surreal hilarity. With two bonafide high school girl protagonists—the short and exceptionally quick to anger Popuko, and the tall and unshakably calm Pipimi—they throw genres against the wall and don't wait to see what sticks. Parody is interlaced with drama, action, crudeness, and the show's overarching goal—to become a real anime.

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Editor's Review
Pop Team Epic

“Pop Team Epic” is an anime series that defies conventional storytelling and embraces the absurd. It features two main characters, Popuko and Pipimi, who navigate a series of surreal and often nonsensical skits. The series is known for its unique blend of humor, pop culture references, and meta-commentary on the anime industry.

The series doesn’t follow a traditional narrative structure. Instead, each episode is a collection of short skits that range from parodies of popular anime and video games to bizarre scenarios that defy logic and reason. This unconventional approach to storytelling is part of what makes “Pop Team Epic” so unique and memorable.

Popuko and Pipimi, the series’ protagonists, are as unpredictable as the show itself. Their personalities shift from skit to skit, keeping viewers on their toes. One moment they might be engaged in a heated battle with a giant robot, and the next they might be participating in a cooking show. Their unpredictable antics are a major draw of the series.

Another standout feature of “Pop Team Epic” is its meta humor. The series frequently breaks the fourth wall, with characters acknowledging that they’re in an anime and making references to the production process. This self-awareness adds another layer of humor to the series and sets it apart from other anime.

The animation style of “Pop Team Epic” is as varied as its content. The series experiments with different animation techniques, from traditional 2D animation to stop motion with felt dolls. This willingness to experiment visually further enhances the series’ unpredictability and charm.

In conclusion, “Pop Team Epic” is a wild ride that offers a refreshing break from traditional anime storytelling. Its absurd humor, pop culture parodies, and meta-commentary make it a must-watch for any anime fan looking for something different. While it may not be for everyone, those who appreciate its unique brand of humor will find much to enjoy.