“Raven of the Inner Palace” is a captivating anime that beautifully captures the essence of mystery and palace intrigue. The story revolves around the Raven Consort Ryuu Jusetsu, who resides in her jet-black palace and is isolated from the emperor. She is the subject of countless rumors and is claimed to possess mystic abilities.
The protagonist, Ryuu Jusetsu, is a compelling character. Despite the sudden upheaval in her life, her determination to navigate through the chaos makes her a character viewers can root for. Her interactions with other characters, including the emperor Ka Koushun, add depth to her character and contribute to the overall narrative.
The animation style of “Raven of the Inner Palace” is commendable. The series features creative animation and a unique art style that enhances its comedic moments. It also does an excellent job of visually representing Ryuu Jusetsu’s emotional states, adding another layer of depth to her character.
One of the standout aspects of “Raven of the Inner Palace” is its plot. The series does an excellent job of introducing viewers to a world threatened by a mage who wishes to annihilate it with his Biscuit Hammer, an enormous structure suspended in Earth’s orbit. This unique premise provides an engaging narrative that keeps viewers hooked.
However, some viewers might find the series rather dull due to its bad pacing and lame jokes. The story lacks significant conflict or tension, which might not appeal to viewers looking for more action-packed or dramatic narratives.
In conclusion, “Raven of the Inner Palace” is an anime that offers much more than meets the eye. It’s not just about a consort navigating through chaos; it’s about overcoming personal challenges, forming friendships, and finding one’s place in the world. With its relatable characters, engaging plot, unique animation style, and captivating music, “Raven of the Inner Palace” is easily one of the best shows of its season and possibly even the year.