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"Revisions" is a thrilling mecha anime set in a dystopian future, exploring themes of power, control, and the struggle to reclaim the present.

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Formats Streaming
Duration23 mins
Release DateJanuary 9, 2019
End DateJanuary 9, 2019

"This is a prediction. An extreme crisis will befall the five of you someday. At that time, you five will protect everyone." Daisuke Dōjima is a second-year high school student who, as a child, was kidnapped. Daisuke, along with his friends Gai, Lū, Marimari, and Keisaku, get wrapped up in the mysterious phenomenon known as the "Shibuya Drift." The central area of Shibuya rises up and is transported at least 300 years in the "future." What awaits them is a vast wasteland and forest dotted with ruins. There, they will work with the future people "revisions" to operate giant mechanical monsters. Daisuke meets a girl named Milo, who has the same name as the person who kidnapped Daisuke. Milo informs Daisuke that he's the only one who can operate the "doll weapon String Puppet" and protect Shibuya. Daisuke and his friends must take back the present by fighting the future in a town of isolation, against an unknown enemy.

(Source: Anime News Network)

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Editor's Review

“Revisions” is a Japanese anime television series directed by Gorō Taniguchi and animated by Shirogumi1. The series aired from January to March 2019 on Fuji TV’s +Ultra programming block1.

The story revolves around Daisuke Dojima, a student who was kidnapped when he was a child12. Now, he and his friends are involved in one of the “Shibuya Drift” strange events, traveling 300 years into the future12. There, the enemy known as “Revisions” fight using giant mechanical monsters12.

Daisuke and his friends are fighting to defeat the enemy and recover their present12. As a strange phenomenon descends over Shibuya back in present-day Japan, the city is thrust forward over 300 years into the future3. Once there, mechanical behemoths known as revisions threaten the city and it’s up to Daisuke to save the world, thanks to Milo and her “string puppet” (a mech suit)3.

Each character in “Revisions” is unique and well-developed. From Daisuke’s struggle with his past to the eccentricities of his fellow friends, their interactions add depth to the narrative and make for some truly memorable moments.

The animation quality is excellent, with vibrant visuals that perfectly capture the energy and excitement of the dystopian setting. The music complements the tone of the series, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

In conclusion, “Revisions” is a must-watch for fans of action and mecha anime. It offers a fresh take on the genre by focusing on the psychological aspects of power and control. Whether you’re drawn in by the engaging storyline or the stunning visuals, “Revisions” is sure to leave a lasting impression.