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“Shy” is an anime that offers a unique perspective on the life of a troubled youth in the 90s. A blend of comedy, mystery, and a touch of darkness.

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Opening theme "Shiny Girl" by MindaRyn
Ending theme"Shiritai Kimochi (シリタイキモチ)" by Shy / Teru Momijiyama
Duration24 mins
Release DateOctober 3, 2023
End DateDecember 19, 2023
FormatTV Series

On the brink of a third World War, superheroes appeared on Earth. Gifted with powers, their appearance brings peace to the world. The heroes each selected a country in which they would reside, serve, and protect its citizens. Shy is Japan’s hero, endowed with super strength. Her most daunting enemy yet? Crippling shyness. Join Shy and her super friends as she defends Earth and gains confidence!

(Source: Crunchyroll)

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Editor's Review

“Shy” is a unique anime that debuted in the Fall of 2023. The series is based on a manga written by Bukimi Miki and serialized by Akita Shoten’s Weekly Shonen Champion. The story is set in the middle of the 21st century, a time when the world was on the brink of World War III. However, superheroes from across the globe appeared and helped usher in an era of peace.

The narrative follows the young Japanese heroine named “Shy”, who is Japan’s representative in the world of heroes. When a mysterious threat called Amalareiks emerges, Shy must work together with her fellow heroes to stop them at all costs. The series is currently airing with a total of 12 episodes.

The anime has been met with mixed reviews. Some viewers have praised the animation quality, stating that it’s the only good thing about the anime. They’ve compared it somewhat favorably to “My Hero Academia” for its superhero theme. The opening theme “Shiny Girl” by MindaRyn and the ending theme “Shiritai Kimochi” by Shy / Teru Momijiyama (CV: Shino Shimoji), Iko Koishikawa (CV: Nao Touyama) add a nice touch to the series.

However, critics argue that the pacing is too fast, the character development is meaningless, and the plot lacks coherence. The characters are described as hollow shells, and the series reportedly lacks tension. Despite these criticisms, the series has gained a score of 6.70 and a popularity rank of #3216 on MyAnimeList.

In conclusion, “Shy” is an anime that attempts to bring a fresh perspective to the superhero genre. While it has its strengths, particularly in its animation quality, it falls short in crucial areas such as character development and plot progression. It’s a series that might appeal to fans of superhero-themed anime, but others might find it lacking in depth and complexity. As always, the best way to form an opinion is to watch it for yourself. The series is available for streaming on Crunchyroll.