Tayutama: Kiss on My Deity

Tayutama: Kiss on My Deity

Tayutama: Kiss on My Deity: a heartwarming tale of romance and coexistence between humans and the supernatural, featuring Yuuri Mito and goddess Mashiro.

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Tayutama: Kiss on My Deity
Formats Streaming
Duration23 mins
Release DateApril 6, 2009
End DateJune 22, 2009
FormatTV Series

Yuuri Mito is a typical, normal Japanese teenager. He goes to school, works on people's motorcycles and performs exorcisms. Okay, that last part's a little bit unusual, but his family lives in a shrine and they do that sort of thing. Still, you would think he'd know enough to be careful with an ancient relic he finds in the woods, especially when a mysterious goddess appears and tells him to leave it alone. Unfortunately, despite Mito's best efforts, the seal gets broken anyway and a number of dangerous "tayuti" that it held in stasis get loose. This is bad. Mito also ends up with a beautiful goddess girl who decides that she's going to marry him. This might not be so bad. if he wasn't already caught up in the middle of a war between the entities he's released. The flesh may be weak but the spirit's more than willing to compensate.

(Source: Sentai Filmworks)

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Editor's Review

“Tayutama: Kiss on My Deity” is a captivating anime that seamlessly blends romance, drama, and fantasy. The story centers around Yuuri Mito, a seemingly ordinary Japanese teenager with an extraordinary family occupation. Yuuri’s family resides in a local Shinto shrine, and he is tasked with performing exorcisms.

The plot takes an intriguing turn when Yuuri accidentally summons a goddess during a ritual to transfer a relic hosting the Tayutai, a supernatural race. The goddess incarnates as a young girl, Mashiro Mito, who is not only endowed with high spiritual powers but also harbors a deep desire for harmony between humans and the Tayutai.

The anime explores the complexities of adolescence against the backdrop of the supernatural. Yuuri’s struggle to balance his normal life with his newfound responsibilities forms the crux of the narrative. His interactions with Mashiro and other characters add depth to the storyline and keep viewers engaged.

Mashiro’s character is particularly compelling. Despite her divine origins, she exhibits human-like emotions and vulnerabilities. Her quest for coexistence between humans and Tayutai adds an element of intrigue to the plot. The anime does an excellent job of portraying her character development as she navigates through her unique circumstances.

The supporting characters in “Tayutama: Kiss on My Deity” are equally well-crafted. Each character has their own quirks and personalities that contribute to the overall narrative. Their interactions with Yuuri and Mashiro provide comic relief, heighten the drama, and drive the plot forward.

The anime also excels in its visual presentation. The animation is vibrant and detailed, bringing the world of “Tayutama: Kiss on My Deity” to life. The character designs are distinctive and appealing, adding to the overall visual experience.

In conclusion, “Tayutama: Kiss on My Deity” is more than just a supernatural romance anime. It’s a tale of adolescence, responsibility, and coexistence. It’s about finding harmony amidst chaos and embracing the extraordinary in the ordinary. With its engaging characters, intriguing plot, and stunning visuals, “Tayutama: Kiss on My Deity” is an anime that should not be missed.