The Eccentric Family is a 13-episode anime series that aired in 2013, based on a novel by Tomihiko Morimi. It is a comedy drama that depicts the lives of the Shimogamo family, a clan of tanuki (raccoon dogs) who can shapeshift into various forms, living in modern-day Kyoto alongside humans and tengu (bird-like creatures). The anime explores themes such as family, identity, tradition, and coexistence.
The anime follows the perspective of Yasaburou, the third son of the Shimogamo family, who enjoys having fun and causing trouble. He often visits his old tengu master, Professor Akadama, who taught him how to fly, and his human friend, Benten, who also learned to fly from the professor. However, he also has to deal with the mystery surrounding his father’s death, who was killed and eaten by a group of humans called the Friday Fellows, who enjoy tanuki hot pot as their annual ritual. Along with his brothers Yaichirou, Yajirou, and Yashirou, Yasaburou tries to honor his father’s legacy and protect his family from danger.
The anime has a unique and whimsical style that blends fantasy and reality. The animation is colorful and detailed, capturing the beauty and charm of Kyoto. The music is lively and fitting, featuring traditional instruments and folk songs. The humor is witty and quirky, often involving absurd situations and clever references. The drama is heartfelt and touching, often involving emotional conflicts and dilemmas.
The anime has a rich and diverse cast of characters, each with their own personality, background, role, and development. Yasaburou is the main protagonist, but he is not a typical hero. He is adventurous, curious, and playful, but also irresponsible, reckless, and naive. He loves his family and friends, but also challenges them and their rules. He respects his father and his culture, but also questions them and their relevance. Yaichirou is the eldest son, but he is not a typical leader. He is diligent, responsible, and ambitious, but also nervous, rigid, and insecure. He wants to become the Nise-emon (the Trick Magister), the head of the tanuki society, like his father was, but he also struggles with his own expectations and doubts. Yajirou is the second son, but he is not a typical brother. He is kind-hearted, gentle, and wise, but also depressed, guilty, and isolated. He turned himself into a frog after his father’s death and lives in a well, where he listens to people’s troubles and gives them advice. Yashirou is the youngest son, but he is not a typical child. He is innocent, timid, and naive, but also smart, brave, and loyal. He admires his brothers and wants to help them, but he also feels left out and insecure.
The anime also features other characters who have their own stories and roles in the plot. Some of them are allies or enemies of the Shimogamo family; some of them are members or leaders of other tanuki clans; some of them are humans or tengu; some of them are based on historical or mythical figures. They all add depth and variety to the anime.
The Eccentric Family is an anime that will entertain and enlighten you. It has an original plot that mixes comedy and drama; it has an attractive style that showcases fantasy and reality; it has an interesting theme that examines family and identity. It is an anime that I recommend to anyone who likes creative and charming stories.