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The Idaten Deities Know Only Peace
The Idaten Deities Know Only Peace

The Idaten Deities Know Only Peace

The Idaten Deities Know Only Peace
Duration23 mins
Release DateJuly 23, 2021
End DateSeptember 28, 2021
FormatTV Series

It has been 800 years since the incredibly fast and powerful gods of battle known as the Idaten had sealed away the demons after an intense battle. Now, that battle is just considered a myth or a fairytale. While the current generation of Idaten who have never even had to fight are enjoying their peaceful lives, someone awakened the demons once again! Armed forces, ingenuity. politics, and intrigue. If you've got it, use everything you can! This three-way battle royale with no rules and no limits is about to begin!!

(Source: Crunchyroll)

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Editor's Review
The Idaten Deities Know Only Peace

“The Idaten Deities Know Only Peace”: A Masterful Blend of Action and Philosophy

“The Idaten Deities Know Only Peace” is a tour de force that seamlessly combines exhilarating action sequences with profound philosophical musings. Set in a world where gods, known as Idaten, exist to maintain peace and order, this anime takes viewers on an electrifying journey that challenges conventional notions of divinity and morality.

The narrative follows a trio of Idaten deities: Hayato, Paula, and Rin, who have dedicated themselves to the sacred duty of vanquishing demonic forces that threaten the realm. However, what sets this series apart is its deep exploration of the consequences of their actions. As the Idaten relentlessly pursue peace, they find themselves grappling with the ethical dilemmas of their divine duties. This internal conflict forms the crux of the story and elevates it to a level rarely seen in action-oriented anime.

One of the standout aspects of “The Idaten Deities Know Only Peace” is its stunning animation and choreography. The battles are nothing short of spectacular, showcasing fluid movements, intricate fight sequences, and a meticulous attention to detail. The animation studio’s dedication to bringing these action-packed moments to life is evident in every frame, making for a visually captivating experience.

The characters are equally compelling. Hayato, Paula, and Rin are multi-dimensional individuals, each harboring their own unique perspectives and personal struggles. The dynamics between them are complex, providing rich ground for character development and emotional depth. Additionally, the supporting cast, including both allies and adversaries, add layers to the narrative, offering various philosophical viewpoints that challenge the audience’s preconceptions.

The world-building in this anime is masterfully executed. The realm in which the Idaten exist is intricately designed, with distinct landscapes, cultures, and mythologies. This attention to detail immerses viewers in a fully-realized universe that feels both expansive and believable.

Furthermore, “The Idaten Deities Know Only Peace” excels in its philosophical undertones. The anime doesn’t shy away from addressing profound questions about the nature of divinity, the costs of pursuing peace, and the blurred lines between righteousness and hubris. These themes are interwoven seamlessly into the narrative, inviting viewers to reflect on the complexities of morality and the consequences of one’s actions.

While the anime primarily focuses on action and philosophical contemplation, it also introduces moments of levity and camaraderie. These interludes provide a welcome balance, allowing viewers to connect with the characters on a more personal level and providing necessary respite from the intensity of the battles.

In conclusion, “The Idaten Deities Know Only Peace” stands as a testament to the potential of anime as a medium for exploring profound philosophical concepts within the framework of a thrilling action narrative. Its breathtaking animation, compelling characters, and thought-provoking themes elevate it to a level of storytelling that transcends the boundaries of its genre. This anime is a must-watch for fans of action, philosophy, and those who appreciate narratives that challenge the mind while exhilarating the senses.