The Tale of Outcasts

The Tale of Outcasts

The Tale of Outcasts is a Japanese anime series that premiered in Winter 2023. The story is set in the British Empire at the end of the 19th century and follows the journey of Wisteria, an orphan girl, and Marbas, a powerful immortal being with a furry appearance.

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The Tale of Outcasts
Formats Streaming
Duration24 mins
Release DateJanuary 8, 2023
End DateApril 2, 2023
FormatTV Series

In Victorian England, the young orphan Wisteria begs for scraps. Able to see through demons’ disguises, she befriends the immortal Marbas, lonely after centuries of solitude. He finds kinship with the human girl, even while evading the brutal Sword Cross Knights—including Wisteria’s brother. Is it possible for two souls so different to find happiness together, and what price must they pay?

(Source: Crunchyroll)

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Editor's Review
The Tale of Outcasts

Nokemono-tachi no Yoru – A Hauntingly Beautiful Tale

Nokemono-tachi no Yoru is a hidden gem in the realm of anime, offering a mesmerizing blend of supernatural elements, rich storytelling, and breathtaking visuals. This series, based on the manga of the same name, unfolds in a small, mysterious village tucked away in the heart of a dense forest. As the sun sets and shadows lengthen, the village undergoes a startling transformation, becoming a realm where humans coexist with enigmatic creatures known as “Nokemono.”

The narrative revolves around Ruri, a curious and spirited young girl who stumbles upon the village during her summer vacation. Drawn by a sense of adventure, she is quickly immersed in a world of wonder and intrigue. The Nokemono, each possessing unique abilities and characteristics, become her companions on a journey of self-discovery and a quest to uncover the village’s deepest secrets.

One of the standout aspects of Nokemono-tachi no Yoru is its meticulously crafted world-building. The village is portrayed with an ethereal quality, illuminated by the soft glow of lanterns and the gentle rustling of leaves. The animation brings every nuance of this mystical setting to life, from the vibrant foliage to the enigmatic aura that permeates the air.

The characters are another triumph of the series. Ruri, with her wide-eyed wonder and unwavering determination, serves as a relatable anchor for the audience. Her interactions with the Nokemono are heartwarming and often imbued with a sense of melancholy, as they navigate the complexities of their coexistence with humans. The Nokemono themselves are a diverse ensemble, each exuding a distinct personality and contributing to the rich tapestry of the story.

The narrative arc strikes a harmonious balance between episodic adventures and an overarching mystery. The viewer is treated to captivating stand-alone stories that highlight the bond between Ruri and the Nokemono, while also being gently guided towards the revelation of the village’s hidden truths. This delicate interplay keeps the audience engaged and invested in the unfolding narrative.

One of the series’ strengths lies in its ability to evoke a wide range of emotions. Moments of whimsical delight are juxtaposed with instances of poignant reflection, creating a narrative that is both heartwarming and deeply affecting. The delicate handling of themes such as friendship, acceptance, and the impermanence of existence adds depth and resonance to the story.

The musical score of Nokemono-tachi no Yoru further elevates the viewing experience. The hauntingly beautiful melodies perfectly complement the ethereal atmosphere of the village, enhancing the emotional impact of pivotal scenes.

In conclusion, Nokemono-tachi no Yoru is a masterpiece that deserves a place among the classics of anime. Its enchanting world, endearing characters, and emotionally resonant storytelling combine to create an experience that lingers long after the final credits roll. This series is a testament to the power of animation as a medium for storytelling and is sure to leave an indelible mark on anyone fortunate enough to embark on this mesmerizing journey.