To Be Hero

To Be Hero

To Be Hero: A hilarious Chinese-Japanese anime series. Follows the adventures of a toilet seat designer turned superhero, fighting for Earth and his daughter.

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To Be Hero
Formats Streaming
Duration13 mins
Release DateOctober 5, 2016
End DateDecember 21, 2016

Handsome, divorced and with a teen daughter living with him, our hero is a “bad father” who works as a toilet seat designer. One day, as he was in the toilet, he founds himself sucked into the toilet seat and he is given the important task to save the planet. The price for being a super hero is quite huge: This Good-looking guy is transformed into an Ugly Dude…with Super Power! To protect the Earth and his daughter Min, his fight is about to begin…

(Source: Emon)

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Editor's Review

“To Be Hero” is a unique and entertaining anime series that combines humor, action, and heart in a way that few other shows manage to achieve. The series follows the life of a seemingly ordinary man who works as a toilet seat designer. However, his life takes an unexpected turn when he is transformed into a superhero tasked with saving the Earth from alien invaders.

The protagonist’s transformation into a superhero is both hilarious and heartwarming. Despite his new grotesque appearance and superhuman abilities, he remains a loving father dedicated to his daughter. This dynamic adds an emotional depth to the series that sets it apart from typical superhero narratives.

The humor in “To Be Hero” is one of its standout features. The show doesn’t shy away from toilet humor, quite literally, given the protagonist’s occupation. Yet, it never feels cheap or overdone. Instead, it adds a layer of absurdity that makes the show even more enjoyable.

The action sequences are another highlight of the series. They are well-animated and exciting, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats. The protagonist’s unconventional fighting style, using his knowledge of toilet seats, adds an element of unpredictability to these scenes.

However, what truly makes “To Be Hero” special is its heart. Amidst all the humor and action, at its core, it’s a story about a father’s love for his daughter. Despite his superhero duties, the protagonist never loses sight of what’s truly important – his relationship with his daughter.

In conclusion, “To Be Hero” is a must-watch for any anime fan looking for a series that perfectly balances humor, action, and emotion. Its unique premise, engaging characters, and heartfelt narrative make it a standout series in the anime landscape.