“Urara Meirocho” is a delightful anime that beautifully blends comedy, fantasy, and the charm of everyday life. Aired from January 6, 2017, to March 24, 2017, the series consists of 12 episodes1.
The story is set in Labyrinth Town, a legendary city composed of ten districts and home to witches and diviners1. The plot revolves around four girls – Chiya, Kon Tatsumi, Koume Yukimi, and Nono Natsume – who aspire to become top-ranking Urara or diviners2. The protagonist, Chiya, a wild girl raised amongst animals in the mountains, hopes to divine the location of her long-lost mother1.
The anime stands out for its high-quality animation and character design2. Each character is unique and well-developed, with Chiya’s friendly and outgoing personality making her particularly endearing2. The interactions between the characters are heartwarming and serve as the emotional core of the series.
“Urara Meirocho” is more than just an entertaining anime. It offers a rich experience that goes beyond the screen. The series does not merely focus on entertainment but also explores themes of friendship and camaraderie2. It shows how the characters overcome problems together, making it a story about growth and friendship2.
However, it’s worth noting that “Urara Meirocho” has been criticized for its sexualization of children3. While it’s packed with whimsical world inspired by Edo Japan with shades of Spirited Away or My Neighbor Totoro3, some viewers might find this aspect off-putting.
In conclusion, “Urara Meirocho” is a charming anime that offers a fresh take on the genre. Its blend of comedy, fantasy, and heartfelt moments makes it a must-watch for any anime fan. Whether you’re looking for laughter or emotional depth, “Urara Meirocho” has something for everyone.