“Voices of a Distant Star” is an original anime series that aired on February 2, 2002. The series is a unique blend of award-winning drama, romance, and sci-fi genres, with a duration of 24 minutes. The story is set in the year 2046, where Noboru Terao and Mikako Nagamine are close friends who will soon be graduating junior high school. But after an alien attack on humanity, Mikako is selected for the UN military space expedition set to retaliate against the aliens. Separated, Noboru and Mikako attempt to keep in touch by sending emails to each other with their cell phones.
The series is a fast-paced anime with only one episode, but it contributes significantly to the overall storyline. The pacing is well-executed, and the series manages to maintain a sense of suspense and intrigue throughout. The series is not afraid to subvert expectations and constantly keeps the audience guessing about what will happen next.
One of the core strengths of “Voices of a Distant Star” is its ability to use the post-apocalyptic setting as a platform to engage in debates on real-world issues. It discusses these conflicts and tells a story with its diverse cast of characters that can sometimes hit home greatly.
The animation quality of “Voices of a Distant Star” is commendable. The character designs are unique and memorable, and the action scenes are well-choreographed and exciting. The series also has a wicked sense of humor that adds a layer of fun and entertainment to the otherwise serious storyline.
“Voices of a Distant Star” is a complete story that doesn’t rely on pointless slice-of-life teenage drama. It doesn’t throw in ludicrous elements and situations just for the sake of spectacle. Instead, it focuses on delivering a compelling narrative with well-written characters and an interesting plot.
In conclusion, “Voices of a Distant Star” is a hidden gem in the world of original anime. It is a well-crafted series that offers a fresh take on the post-apocalyptic genre. With its engaging storyline, well-developed characters, and thought-provoking themes, “Voices of a Distant Star” is a series that is definitely worth watching.