Strong and Beautiful, here are 5 Facts about Butterfly Mode, the Akimichi Technique in Naruto!

Kuat dan Indah, ini 5 Fakta Butterfly Mode, Teknik Akimichi di Naruto!

One of Choji’s signature techniques which is also typical for Chocho is technique Butterfly mode.

In this technique, they both create butterfly wings behind their bodies and gain increased strength.

What are the facts of Butterfly fashion Akimichi’s? Here are five of them!

1. Highest calorie change of the Akimichi clan

boruto chocho akimichi butterfly Naruto Next Generations

It could be said that Butterfly mode is the strongest technique of the Akimichi clan.

This clan has a technique for controlling calories and body size, which allows its members to use Butterfly fashionbut it’s not an easy technique.

It can be said that Butterfly mode is the final level in the Akimichi clan’s body and calorie control techniques.

2. Requires a lot chakras and calories


Use Butterfly fashion cannot be done continuously in sequence.

The reason is because this technique takes a lot chakra which is converted from the user’s body calories.

If the user has used this technique and his body becomes thin, he cannot use this technique again until he has replenished his calories and chakra-again.

3. The user can die from exhaustion

preview boruto episode 156 - chocho butterfly Naruto Next Generations

Calorie control and chakra which is not good can put the user in danger.

Because it requires a lot chakra and calories, then the user’s body will become thin.

If too many calories are converted into chakra shaped like butterfly wings but the user doesn’t have many calories, so the user can die from running out of energy.

4. There are two ways to use this technique


To enter this mode, there are two ways that Akimichi clan members can do.

The first is a definite way, namely with good calorie control techniques so that the user can convert calories into chakra in amounts they can manage.

Both use the Akimichi clan’s signature three-colored pills that force the user’s body to convert calories into chakras.

The second technique is very dangerous because the user cannot control the number of calories converted, which can result in death.

5. Wings from chakras can be a weapon too

choji butterfly

The main feature of this technique is the conversion of calories into chakra Which one chakra-it forms butterfly wings.

It can’t be used to fly, but the wings can still be flapped to create wind waves. chakras.

In Choji’s giant mode, even his wind waves are so big that they can push people around him.

Besides that chakra This can be changed to the position of his hand for punching so that it becomes stronger.

So, those are five facts Butterfly mode belongs to the Akimichi clan, what do you think?

The first article was published on July 7, 2020 and re-released on June 28, 2024.

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