Studio Trigger wants to double its anime production without compromising quality

Since Cyberpunk: Edgerunners The Kill La Killthe studio Trigger is well known among anime fans with a very characteristic animation style. In a recent interview, a studio producer Trigger suggested that the team is ready to update its production strategy, which means an increase in the number of projects the studio works on simultaneously.

Kazuya Matsumotoone of the studio’s producers Triggerspoke to the Doki Douki about the anime studio’s working method and that’s when Matsumoto spoke about the Trigger studio lines and the plan to increase the studio to two simultaneous lines.

In the anime industry, there is a concept known as lines. How many works can you create at the same time? You have one line per project. (When you grow, it) means you can grow your studio to two and three lines. Many companies that started around the same time as the Trigger studio have many lines

Trigger studio is currently on a line. We are specific about the way everyone works together to create a project. The reason is that by setting a single goal, everyone can focus on it. I think this is great for both the job and the company.

Continuing, Matsumoto explained that the studio Trigger has some defined objectives for its production. First, the team wants its projects to be 100% managed internally. Next, the company will consider expanding its number of lines.

In other words, (we want) full in-house production. The next step is to create 1.5 lines. This is another medium-term goal… I’m probably thinking of (two lines) as a long-term plan for about 7 or 10 years.

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