The Diary of Ochibi-san is an anime series based on the manga by Moyoco Anno, the wife of Hideaki Anno, the creator of Neon Genesis Evangelion. The manga was serialized in The Asahi Shimbun newspaper from August 2008 to December 2019 and collected in 10 volumes. The anime adaptation premiered in October 2023 and is produced by Studio Khara, the studio behind Rebuild of Evangelion. The anime series consists of 24 episodes, each lasting 5 minutes. The official website of the anime has released a new trailer that showcases the charming characters and the beautiful scenery of the story.
The anime series is directed by Daisuke Onizuka, who has worked on the CGI direction of Evangelion 2.0, 3.0, and 3.0+1.0. The CG direction is handled by Masaki Ishikawa, Satoshi Yamauchi, and Yō Kyūda. The music is composed by Satoru Kousaki, who has created the soundtrack for Vivy -Fluorite Eye’s Song-. The voice cast includes:
- Manami Hanawa as Ochibi-san, a cheerful and curious boy who lives in Mametsubu-cho.
- Nobuhiko Okamoto as Ozeni, a dog who is Ochibi’s best friend and loves to play with him.
- Shiori Izawa as Pankui, a dog who is always hungry and likes to eat anything.
- Chafurin as Ojii, an old man who lives in Mametsubu-cho and takes care of Ochibi and his friends.
- Misaki Kuno as Shiroppoi, a white cat who is Ochibi’s friend and often teases him.
- Hiroki Gotō as Jack, a black cat who is Ochibi’s friend and likes to cause trouble.
- Yui Ogura as Akame-chan, a girl who is Ochibi’s friend and has a crush on him.
- Kōsuke Echigoya as Hebi-kun, a snake who is Ochibi’s friend and likes to sleep.
The manga has also inspired a stop-motion animation that was part of the Japan Animator Expo project in 2014, led by Hideaki Anno with his Studio Khara and Dwango.
The Diary of Ochibi-san: A slice-of-life anime that celebrates the seasons
The Diary of Ochibi-san is a slice-of-life anime that follows the daily adventures of Ochibi and his animal friends in Mametsubu-cho, a small town in Japan’s ancient capital Kamakura. The anime depicts the joys and wonders of the changing seasons, such as the blooming flowers in spring, the swimming in the sea in summer, the red maples in autumn, and the warm meals in winter. The anime also explores the themes of friendship, family, and love, as Ochibi and his friends learn new things and grow together. The anime is filled with humor, emotion, and warmth, and is suitable for viewers of all ages.
The Diary of Ochibi-san is an anime that will make you smile and cry, and appreciate the beauty of nature and life. It is an anime that you will want to watch again and again, and share with your friends and family. The Diary of Ochibi-san is an anime that you will love.