The future of Spider-Man games is Miles Morales

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 was very well received and at the end of the story we see Peter parker pass the responsibility of protecting the city onto MilesMorales and in a recent interview with Gizmodothe narrative director Ben Arfmann and the writer Brittney Morris revealed that the future of gaming Spider-Man at Insomniac Games will have as protagonist MilesMorales.

When asked about Miles be now the Spider-Man “main”, morris stated:

It always felt very natural to me and I think we all, collectively, thought it would happen. For me, it shows a great evolution of Miles; At the beginning of the game, we see him struggling to figure out what he wants to do with his life. In the end, we see Miles carrying the burden of saving the city and also carrying Pete when he wasn’t strong enough to hold his own at various times.

That’s what was so cool about writing a story about two Spider-Men: they’re both strong, and one of them can be strong when the other isn’t. In the end, Miles is more confident and thinks, “Yes, I can handle this. How much worse can things get after what we just went through?

Ben Arfmann agreed with the writer stating:

To repeat what Brittney said: the idea of ​​a two-Spider-Man story was always really essential to this game. I think from the beginning we knew we wanted that moment to hand over the reins. And as we developed it, as we started charting more paths to that moment, it felt more and more right.

I think it was Jon who wrote that scene in Aunt May’s garage, and it’s one of my favorite scenes. The way Miles intuits exactly what Pete is thinking and stops him from tripping while trying to hand over the mask. Miles saying, “You know I’ve got this covered,” is a great moment between the two. And it seemed like such a natural conclusion; I’m not sure when specifically we decided to do this, but it always felt like it was the only way the game would end.

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