The reason why Naruto Uzumaki’s name is not Namikaze? This is the reason

Penyebab Kenapa Nama Naruto Uzumaki Bukan Namikaze? Ini Alasannya

Naruto Uzumaki is very proud of his Uzumaki name and being one of the Uzumaki in Konoha.

But he was born to his father, Minato Namikaze, not an Uzumaki. Why does he use the name Uzumaki?

There are several reasons, here is the explanation why Naruto Uzumaki’s name is not Namikaze.

1. Hiruzen gave the Uzumaki family name so that Naruto would not be targeted by his enemy Minato

The reason why Naruto Uzumaki's name is not Namikaze?  This is the

As a person Hokage The four who were also Konoha heroes who were active in the war era, obviously Minato had many enemies.

Because Naruto lived alone, Hiruzen made Naruto Uzumaki, the name of Naruto’s mother, not the name of his father.

The reason was so that Minato’s enemies would not target Naruto, who at that time had no one who could protect him.

2. Apart from that, Naruto was also made in such a way that he didn’t know his father

The reason why Naruto Uzumaki's name is not Namikaze?  This is the Shippuden

Since childhood, Naruto has always wondered who his parents were. He only knows that his parents died in Kurama’s attack, but his identity is unknown.

Namikaze so far is only Minato, so you could say that if Naruto was named Naruto Namikaze then Naruto would know for himself that Minato was his father.

Maybe it was so that Naruto remained unaware of his identity in order to protect himself, somehow but Hiruzen always kept his parents’ identities hidden, especially his father.

3. Even though he is not a Namikaze, Naruto is very proud of the name Uzumaki

The reason why Naruto Uzumaki's name is not Namikaze?  This is the

Naruto was born with the name Uzumaki, the name of a clan which at that time was threatened with extinction because they were massacred and their village was destroyed.

But Naruto was already very proud of the name Naruto Uzumaki so he had no problem with that.

That’s the explanation why Naruto Uzumaki’s name is not Namikaze. After all, he found out later that Minato was his father, not straight away when he was little. Do you think Naruto would be cool if he had the name Namikaze?

First published December 12, 2021, republished March 25, 2024.

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