Theory: Why Zoro Has One Eye After Timeskip? What Happened?

Teori: Kenapa Zoro Matanya Satu Setelah Timeskip? Apa yang Terjadi?

One of the mysteries One Piece What remains unanswered is what happened to Zoro’s left eye.

After timeskipwe see Zoro again in chapter 599. At that time there was a vertical scar on the left side of Zoro’s face, passing through his eye.

Zoro’s healthy left eye when he begged to be trained by Mihawk in chapter 597 closed after timeskip and so far it hasn’t opened again, indicating that his eyes are damaged.

Why does Zoro have one eye after all? timeskip yes?

1. The current assumption is that it is a wound from Mihawk.

dracule mihawk Piece

Since Zoro was trained by Mihawk, the most plausible possibility is that Zoro’s left eye was damaged by Mihawk.

Considering how far apart Mihawk and Zoro’s levels were in chapter 597, it’s conceivable that in his intense training Mihawk injured Zoro’s left eye.

Another suspect is the humandrill, a monkey race native to Kuraigana Island that had troubled Zoro. However, in chapter 597, it is revealed that Zoro had beaten them all before meeting Mihawk.

Indeed, the figure who injured Zoro’s left eye must be the one on Kuraigana Island. Because he seems to have just left the island, with Perona’s help, after timeskip.

It could even be that the person who injured the left eye was Zoro himself, if he wanted to show his determination or something. I feel like Zoro is the type that if Mihawk criticizes him for relying too much on both of his eyes, he will damage one of his eyes to become stronger.

2. This one eye makes Zoro look like Ryuma

roronoa zoro and ryuma.jpgRoronoa Zoro and Ryuma. (Doc. Shueisha/One Piece, Doc. Bandai Namco/One Piece Treasure Cruise)

Maybe there’s a fated reason why Zoro lost his left eye.

Zombie Ryuma has a bandage that goes diagonally across his left eye.

Then in chapter 1023, it was revealed that Ryuma was known as the one-eyed samurai by Wano residents such as Hyogoro and Kawamatsu.

If it really happened in the comic Monsters Eiichiro Oda’s work is considered official in One Piecethen Ryuma lost his left eye some time after the events of the comic. Because in Monsters both eyes are still healthy.

Zoro was also commented on being similar to Shimotsuki Ushimaru by Hyogoro and Kawamatsu.

During the manga version of the chapter where Yamato and Ushimaru meet, it was suspected that Ushimaru’s eye was injured on the same side.

However, in the anime version, it is shown that Ushimaru’s eyes are not as wide as Ryuma and Zoro’s.

Shimotsuki Ushimaru attack.jpg(Doc. Toei Animation/One Piece)

3. There is a suspicion that Zoro’s left eye is actually still healthy and he deliberately closes it, is that true?

Roronoa Zoro and Enma in the animeRoronoa Zoro and Enma in the anime. (Doc. Toei Animation)

When chapter 599 was released, there were many fans on the forums. One Piece it is theorized that Zoro’s left eye is actually still fine, he just closes it.

There is even a theory that Zoro has actually mastered a special eye technique. For example, his left eye has become a “hawk eye” like Mihawk’s, and he will only open it in critical situations.

I doubt Zoro really has special eyes. That’s what it is Naruto really.

If Zoro only closes his left eye, it could be that he is just training his less dominant eye so that when he opens both eyes, he becomes much more dangerous.

This theory was strong in the beginning timeskip. Because Zoro really just met a tough enemy in Wano after timeskip. More specifically, the duo of Big Mom and Kaido and then King.

Before that, he usually won without bleeding. When he was made to bleed by Kamazou aka Killer, it was because he was distracted by Gyukimaru. So there is indeed a suspicion that Zoro is hiding his strength.

But after seeing Zoro not opening his eyes even though he was fighting Kaido and Big Mom, two incredibly strong fighters, and he still didn’t open them even though he was cornered by King, I increasingly felt that Zoro’s left eye was indeed damaged.

4. My current temporary conclusion

Roronoa Zoro in One PieceRoronoa Zoro in One Piece. Dock. Toei Animation

My current conclusion is that Zoro’s left eye was either damaged by Mihawk, humandrill, or even Zoro himself. Anyway, the figures who were on Kuraigana Island, except Perona. Because I don’t think Perona would do that.

I also feel that Zoro’s left eye is indeed damaged, it’s not like he just closes it or secretly has it. dojutsu. Especially after we know that Ryuma was known as a one-eyed samurai during his life, then Shimotsuki Ushimaru also seems to have an injured left eye.

If it’s like this, and if it’s true that Zoro has a relationship with Ryuma and Ushimaru, Zoro has one eye after timeskip maybe it was fate. The thing is, he is becoming more and more like Ryuma and Ushimaru.

That’s my theory about why Zoro has one eye after timeskip. What do you think? Let us know in the comments!

First published July 3, 2022, updated August 13, 2023 with additional information about the anime version of Shimotsuki Ushimaru. Republished July 26, 2024.

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