These are a handful of characters who get respect from Madara Uchiha in Naruto!

Ini Segelintir Tokoh yang Dapat Respek dari Madara Uchiha di Naruto!

Madara Uchiha is one of the most powerful characters in the series Narutohe even causes various conflicts in this series.

As a strong character, he has a lot of arrogance, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t respect some of his opponents.

1. Since he was alive, Madara was known as someone who was arrogant and looked down on other people

captionMadara Uchiha. (Doc. Pierrot/Naruto Shippuden)

One of Madara’s very antagonistic characteristics is his arrogance, who likes to look down on other people.

He was indeed strong, even one of the strongest in his era, so it was natural that he felt he had the upper hand.

Madara felt that himself, his clan, and initially the village of Konoha were something superior that was above almost everything.

One of the moments where Madara looked down on other people was when he met Muu and Onoki from Iwa. He said that the peace talks between Konoha and Iwa were not to make them equal but Iwa was still under Konoha.

2. Hashirama Senju was his childhood rival who was equally strong, earning Madara’s respect from the start

captionHashirama and Madara. (Doc. Pierrot/Naruto Shippuden)

Of course the first person to gain respect from the very arrogant Madara was Hashirama Senju.

Hashirama was his rival from the start and his partner in building the village of Konoha, Hashirama was also the only one when Madara was alive who could fight him to a draw and even in some cases was stronger than him.

Because of that, Madara respected Hashirama, who was his rival, enemy and friend.

3. Might Guy is a fighter Taijutsu the strongest recognized by Madara

captionMadara was beaten by Guy. (Doc. Pierrot/Naruto Shippuden)

When he gained the power of the Ten Tails, Madara’s arrogance became even higher because almost no ninja could defeat him.

But Madara recognized one person as a fighter Taijutsu The strongest he has ever encountered in the history of his life is Might Guy.

Madara even admitted that he would almost die if he didn’t have the power of regeneration, so Madara also respects Guy, especially because he is ready to die to defeat Madara.

Well, even though there aren’t many, those are the people who earned Madara Uchiha’s respect! What do you think?

First published February 9, 2022, republished June 2, 2024.

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