These are some of the reasons why Jiraiya doesn’t wear Konoha head protection

These are some of the reasons why Jiraiya doesn't wear Konoha head protection

Even though the original Naruto series started in a relatively safe and peaceful era, there is still a possibility that anyone wearing the Konoha head protector will remind people, especially former enemies, enemies or residents of Amegakure about the war that occurred in the past.

And now because Jiraiya dedicated himself to traveling to various places as a hermit and not part of Konoha or the Fire Country, therefore he wore a head protector with a symbol that he made himself as a sign that he came to a place as a neutral ninja.

1. Hinting he’s a free and unbound ninja?

Jiraiya in BorutoPierrot/Boruto Studios

Jiraiya is a legendary Sannin, hero of Konoha village and also the hermit of Mount Myoboku. He was not an ordinary shinobi who carried out just any mission – and the village of Konoha also seemed to give Jiraiya freedom. So, it’s possible that Jiraiya did it because he wanted to signal that he was a free ninja with no ties.

2. Useful In Spy Missions

This theory is still related to the first theory. Apart from being a sign that Jiraiya is a neutral ninja, the head protector he wears can be used when he is on a mission as a spy to another village, for example Amegakure where he met and fought against Pain. Even though Jiraiya is a famous person, not many people know about him. So, if Jiraiya does something suspicious or something unexpected happens, then enemies who don’t know him will not immediately think that he is from Konoha.

3. That doesn’t mean he’s not loyal!

Jiraiya Sage

Those are some theories about why Jiraiya didn’t wear Konoha head protection. It should be noted that Jiraiya not using the Konoha head protector does not mean he is not loyal to Konoha, you know! In fact, he is said to be very loyal, there are times when he will do anything without expecting anything in return for the good of Konoha and even the entire Ninja world.

What about you, do you agree with one or all of the theories above? Or do you have another theory? Voice your opinion in the comments column, OK…

First published 2017, republished June 18, 2024.

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