This is the Difference in Benn Beckman’s Opinion on Ace & Luffy’s Pirate Potential!

Ini Bedanya Pendapat Benn Beckman Soal Potensi Bajak Laut Ace & Luffy!

While reading One Piece Novel A volume 2, there is one part that caught my attention.

This part is after Ace meets Shanks. After the Spade Pirates leave the winter island where Ace meets Shanks, Shanks asks Benn Beckman about Portgas D. Ace.

Beckman’s answer is interesting when compared to his opinion on Monkey D. Luffy.

Like what?

1. In chapter 1 One PieceBeckman already felt that Luffy would become a great person

Benn Beckman's opinion on LuffyBenn Beckman’s opinion about Luffy. Piece

You can check Benn Beckman’s opinion about Luffy in chapter 1 One Piecewhich is available for free on Manga Plus if you don’t have the book.

Luffy clearly tells Shanks that he will become the Pirate King.

Shanks then gave his hat to Luffy.

As Shanks is about to leave, Beckman predicts that Luffy will become a great person.

Meanwhile, for Shanks, Luffy himself is like a little Shanks.

2. In One Piece Novel ABeckmann’s view of Ace can be said to be bad

captionPortgas D. Ace flashback scene in the anime version. (Doc. Toei Animation/One Piece)

Approximately, this is a translation of Beckman’s views on Ace di One Piece Novel A text version, answering Shanks’ questions.

“He was very polite at first, but then he started talking non-stop.
about himself. The kid was more naive than he seemed. Like he wasn’t a pirate,
but a gladiator. If he wanted to destroy the world that badly, why didn’t he join the Revolutionary Army?”

No interest in Pirate Kings or adventure. No intention of hunting.
pirate as one of the Seven Warlords. No desire to become a hero of the Navy, protecting the common people.

If anything, the most appropriate place for him seems to be with the Revolutionary Army, a so-called terrorist group seeking to overthrow the World Government.

“He limits his own options. The way he acts, the best he can achieve is to be the captain of a ship.”

Benn Beckman didn’t see much more potential than that from the young man named Ace.

3. Of course, Ace later developed after becoming a member of Whitebeard, but Beckman’s prediction is still interesting.

benn beckman.jpgToei Animation/One Piece

It could be said that Beckman judged Ace when Roger’s son was still confused. Ace became more confident in himself after he officially became a member of the Whitebeard family.

So if Beckman were to rate Ace another time, perhaps his opinion of the young man would be different.

But it’s interesting. On one hand, Ace is the commander of Whitebeard’s 2nd Division. A position that used to be held by Kozuki Oden. I think that’s better than Beckman’s prediction.

But so far, we do see that Luffy will become much bigger than Ace.

Especially since in the end, Ace decided to serve another party, while Luffy decided to lead his own group and move on.

So I wonder if the root of this difference in fate is Luffy’s goal that has been clear since he was a child.

What do you think about Benn Beckman’s different opinions on Ace and Luffy’s pirate career potential? Let us know in the comments!

First published July 31, 2022, republished July 31, 2024.

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