In the series Naruto, there are many symbols used in the story. Starting from village symbols to clan symbols.
One of the most iconic is the symbol of the Konoha clan, Naruto Uzumaki village.
What does this symbol mean?
1. Instead of a snail, the symbol is a leaf
In the past, we might have thought that the Konoha clan symbol meant something like a snail.
It’s natural because there is a triangle and a vortex in the middle, it really looks like a snail.
But no, the symbol is a leaf!
Konohagakure itself means ninja village hidden in the leaves. An interesting symbolization because Konoha is surrounded by forests.
2. Madara came up with this name
Who came up with the name Konoha which means village of ninjas hiding in the leaves?
The answer is Madara Uchiha!
After making peace with Hashirama and the two of them having a vision of creating a peaceful ninja village, Madara saw a leaf with a hole in the middle.
He saw the village from the hole in the leaf, they decided on the name Konoha.
3. For the vortex, the Naruto series is iconic with this symbol
What leaves? The Konoha symbol is a picture of a leaf from the front perspective, the triangle is the tip and the line on the top right is the stem.
Then why is there a vortex?
The vortex is a characteristic of the Naruto series and the iconic vortex is the symbol of the Uzumaki clan.
Konoha and Uzumaki are close, but it is not yet known whether the vortex in Konoha’s symbol comes from Uzumaki or not.
What is certain is that the swirls on the back of the Konoha ninja uniform are indeed from the Uzumaki clan, and the symbol of Konoha is the leaf.
What do you think about the Konoha symbol?
Article first published on January 2, 2024, re-released on April 18, 2024.