In this Kyoto International Manga and Anime Fair this animated short was shown The Mourning Children: Nagiko and the Girls Wearing Tsurubami Black (Tsurubami-Iro no Nagiko-tachi), a new film by Sunao Katabuchi.
Katabuchi began developing the project in 2017 and the story takes place in Kyoto during the 10th century “when The Pillow Book was written” by the real-life literary figure Sei Shōnagon.
With animation by the studio Contrail and direction of Sunao Katabuchi (Black Lagoon), we have as assistant director Chie Uratani (Hijikata Toshizo: Shiro no Kiseki, Princess Arete, Ushiro no Shōmen Daare) and the animation direction was handed over to Masashi Ando (The Deer King, Princess Mononoke). Art is the responsibility of Yuji Kaneko (Ranking of Kings, Little Witch Academia, Kill la Kill).
Katabuchi directed animes like Black Lagoon, Black Lagoon: Roberta’s Blood Trail, Black Lagoon: The Second Barrage, Mai Mai Miracle, Princess Arete It is Meiken Lassie. He wrote and directed the film In This Corner of the Worldcritically acclaimed, which premiered in November 2016. The extended version of the film, In This Corner (and Other Corners) of the Worldpremiered in Japan in December 2019.