Unique Powers of 9 Bijuu in Naruto, Each one is special!

Kekuatan Unik 9 Bijuu di Naruto, Masing-masingnya spesial!

Nine Bijuu is a creature or entity that originates from Juubi or Ten Tails, split into nine.

Even though the source is the same, they have their own uniqueness and each of them is different.

This is the uniqueness of each Bijuu in Naruto!

1. Shukaku – Sand manipulation and Fuinjutsu with seal marks all over his body

Unique Powers of 9 Bijuu in Naruto, Each one is special!Pierrot/Boruto Studios

Shukaku is unique in that he can manipulate sand. This sand can be an attack and defense at the same time, even automatically.

But what’s special about Shukaku is the blue motif on his body, it’s not an ordinary motif.

What he had in his body were techniques Fuinjutsuso he can seal targets just by touching them or with his sand.

2. Matatabi – The power of fire and a flexible body to move quickly

Unique Powers of 9 Bijuu in Naruto, Each one is special!Matatabi the Two-Tails. Dock. Pierrot

Matatabi’s body is blue fire, although it is not always burning hot, but fire is his unique power as well.

Apart from that, Matatabi is like a cat, it has a flexible and agile body to move quickly even though it is large.

3. Isobu – Has a hard shell, can become a sharp ball, and can emit a hallucinatory mist

Unique Powers of 9 Bijuu in Naruto, Each one is special!Pierrot Studios/Naruto Shippuden

Isobu is Bijuu In the form of a turtle whose habitat is in water, it can definitely swim. But that’s not what’s unique about it.

Isobu’s shell is very hard and even difficult to penetrate, but in the anime his weakness is his eyes, they are not as hard as the rest of his body. He can be a ball of sharp thorns.

Apart from that, in the anime, Isobu is shown to be able to emit a mist that gives his targets hallucinations, but not as bad Genjutsu.

4. Son Goku – Taijutsu expert and can use lava

Unique Powers of 9 Bijuu in Naruto, Each one is special!crunchyroll.com/narutoshippuden

Compared to Bijuu others, Son Goku is shown to be able to use them Taijutsu or close-range martial arts combat, with kicks and fists.

Apart from that, Son Goku can use lava as a weapon Kekkei Genkai what he has is unique.

5. Kokuo – Strong and agile physique and hot steam Kekkei Genkai

Unique Powers of 9 Bijuu in Naruto, Each one is special!crunchyroll.com/narutoshippuden

Kokuo combines a horse and a dolphin in the head, with horns. He has high physical strength and speed, such as being able to ram or kick his target hard.

Besides that he has Kekkei Genkai fire and water combine, creating a hot and deadly steam technique.

6. Saiken – Its body is slimy and flexible, it can emit sticky or corrosive liquids, as well as bubble techniques

Unique Powers of 9 Bijuu in Naruto, Each one is special!crunchyroll.com/narutoshippuden

Saiken’s body is slimy like a leech, making it difficult to touch. He may also produce fluid.

This liquid can have different functions, it can be sticky, slippery, or corrosive which can destroy the object. Saiken can also use the bubble technique.

7. Chomei – Strong flight, powder and web abilities

Unique Powers of 9 Bijuu in Naruto, Each one is special!crunchyroll.com/narutoshippuden

The one and only Chomei Bijuu which can fly because its tail is its wings.

Apart from that, he can emit powder that can blind the target, and can produce a net to bind and absorb chakras the target too.

8. Gyuki – Unique tentacles and black ink

Unique Powers of 9 Bijuu in Naruto, Each one is special!Gyuki in Shippuden. (Doc. Pierrot/Naruto Shippuden)

Gyuki is a bull with octopus legs for a tail, and these legs give him unique powers.

He can use his tentacles to spin and create tornadoes, or can be used to cover himself from attacks.

Gyuki can also use black ink, which can be used to blind his targets, as an attack, and even as a bunshin.

9. Kurama – Sensor ability, senses a person’s negative energy, as well as natural energy

Unique Powers of 9 Bijuu in Naruto, Each one is special!crunchyroll.com/naruto-shippuden

Kurama can Bijudama and very strong physically, even his roar can create a powerful shock of air. But that’s not so unique.

The most unique thing about Kurama is its sensor ability, where Kurama can feel negative energy from someone.

Apart from that, Kurama is quite fast in gathering energy or chakras nature and can apply it in battle, such as with Naruto.

That’s each unique strength Bijuuwhat do you think?

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