A Square Enix released a video titled “The Story So Far”, which recaps the main events of Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade. In addition to being able to be watched on YouTubewill also be available in the main menu of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth when the game is released exclusively for PlayStation 5 on February 29th worldwide. Red XIII, the last member of the AVALANCHE group offers his wisdom while revealing everything important that happened in the first of this three parts Final Fantasy VII modern.
Additionally, the Square Enix also released new art of Aerith with Highwind, and revealed that the city of Kalm, the Mythril Mine, the summoning of Kujata, the combat skills and synergy skills of several members of the group, the Chocoboutique will be part of a game most anticipated of 2024..
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth will also adopt a “Dynamic” difficulty option, which adapts the level of Cloud and his companions to that of his enemies, which means that the more powerful the AVALANCHE is, the more difficult the battles will be.