Serial Kimetsu no Yaiba inserting various interesting mysteries to discuss, for example about the existence of a purple plant known as Wisteria.
In this series, Wisteria flowers are used by the Demon Slayer Corps to fight demons and of course, demons avoid this plant.
Why is the devil in Kimetsu no Yaiba Afraid of Wisteria? Here’s the explanation.
1. History of Wisteria in Kimetsu no Yaiba
First, find out a little background about the Wisteria plant Demon Slayer.
In the past, a family saved by a Demon Slayer expressed their gratitude by making Wisteria their family crest. The purpose was for the Demon Slayer to mark their house and allow them to use the house freely.
Throughout the series, the Demon Slayer most frequently shown using this plant is Insect Pillar Shinobu Kocho.
2. The main benefits of Wisteria plants
Since ancient times, Wisteria has been used for various purposes, such as ornamental plants, incense, poison, antidotes, and even medicine. This plant is also used to carve the ranks of Demon Slayers who pass the Final Selection.
Planting or burning Wisteria incense as Gyomei Himejima often does around his shrine is one method of warding off evil spirits.
The use of Wisteria plants is also seen during the Final Selection held on Mount Fujikasane. The mountain is surrounded by Wisteria plants in order to prevent the demons locked there from escaping.
Wisteria is a powerful plant used to paralyze demons. It is also used as an antidote to poison produced by demons. An example of its use is shown when Shinobu Kocho saved Zenitsu Agatsuma during the fight against the Spider Demon.
In addition, Wisteria is also said to be able to be used as a medicine that can turn demons back into humans.
3. Why is the devil in Kimetsu no Yaiba afraid of Wisteria?
As mentioned in the previous point, Wisteria is a powerful weapon to fight demons. However, how is the detailed explanation?
The reason why the devil is in Kimetsu no Yaiba The fear of Wisteria is the dangerous poison contained in the Wisteria plant. A small dose has proven effective in paralyzing and temporarily stopping the regeneration of the Moon Demon.
Shinobu Kocho has done a lot of experiments on this plant. She uses Wisteria to modify her own body physiology in an attempt to defeat the Upper Moon Demon 2 Doma.
Shinobu sacrifices herself as a medium to contain Wisteria’s poison in a very high dose. Evidently, Doma who absorbed Shinobu’s body also died.
In fact, Wisteria in real life is indeed known to be poisonous, especially in the seeds. Even so, because of its long life even though it grows in the wild, Wisteria is actually used as a symbol or emblem of longevity.
Well, that’s the explanation of why the devil is here. Kimetsu no Yaiba afraid of Wisteria. What do you think?
First published August 26, 2023, reissued July 24, 2024.