Zombies and anime join forces in the dystopian horror comedy “Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead.” The mess is based on the manga by Asou Haro and has already won over the crowd who enjoy a post-apocalyptic zombie anime vibe. Since the first season ended, the guys have been on social media and forums asking for news, and the anticipation for a second season is only growing.
The story follows the role of Akira Tondo, a 24-year-old young man who works at a marketing agency. After three years of grinding, Akira was at his limit, both in body and mind. But, one fine day, going to work, he comes across a zombie apocalypse. With the clock ticking, he makes a list of everything he wants to do before becoming a zombie snack. The guy saw this as a chance to live a new, meaningful and untethered life. Irony of ironies, Akira is loving this new lawless world, enjoying every moment with his friends as they destroy hordes of zombies in a totally crazy way.
What’s new about Zom 100: Second Season in the Area?
The hype has only increased since “Zom 100” ended its first season. The crazy adventures of Akira and his gang were popular with the people. But so far, there’s been no official confirmation about a second season, which is a big deal. The production company Bugs Films and the creators have not yet commented.
But don’t worry, we have some promising signs that could indicate that good news is on the way. The first season was a success and won over many fans, which is essential for studio bosses to decide on a continuation. And look, Bugs Films is new to this, so it’s best not to force things.
Despite a delay that occurred, causing the series to take a two-month break, this did not take away from the series. The wait was worth it, as the final stretch was great.
What’s next in the possible second season?
The first season covered up to chapter 21 of the manga. So, if the second season of “Zom 100” happens, the story will start from chapter 22. Akira and the gang will try to reach the far north of Japan, but they will encounter some shocking twists along the way. Relax, there’s still a lot of story to tell!