Woman destroys her boyfriend’s cell phone after catching him watching hentai

In Japan, a woman took to Twitter to say that she broke her partner’s cell phone when she caught her boyfriend in an intimate moment with a doujinshi. And what exactly would this intimate moment be? Well, according to the woman, he was masturbating to the doujinshi.

Woman destroys her boyfriend’s cell phone after catching him watching hentai

The angry girl broke her boyfriend’s cell phone with a hammer:

“I reached my limit after catching him masturbating to a 2D doujin, so here’s my partner’s smartphone that I broke with a hammer.

Dear men, of course there are women who don’t care about this kind of thing, but there are also some like me who don’t like it. So if you masturbate even if there is a 0.1% chance of getting caught, be prepared to have your phone broken.”

Woman destroys her boyfriend's cell phone after catching him watching hentai

The girl explained that she tapped the phone about five times before the screen went off. She went on to say that she talked to her boyfriend about his masturbation and that she would torture him if she caught him doing it again. The post went viral and she ended up deleting it later.

When you access the girl’s profile, you can see photos of her with her likely boyfriend.

via Sankaku Complex

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