YaBoyRoshi is a YouTube creator who makes full reactions to various anime shows, including Bunny Girl Senpai. Bunny Girl Senpai is a comedy drama anime that follows the story of a high school boy who meets a famous actress who is invisible to everyone else due to a supernatural phenomenon. YaBoyRoshi has uploaded full-length reactions to all 13 episodes of Bunny Girl Senpai on his Patreon page. These reactions are unfiltered and uncensored, and they show his genuine emotions and thoughts on the anime. YaBoyRoshi is a fan of Bunny Girl Senpai and he likes the humor, the romance, and the mystery of the show. He also makes some jokes and comments along the way, and he reacts to the funny and emotional moments of the story. YaBoyRoshi’s reactions are entertaining and engaging, and they can be enjoyed by anyone who likes Bunny Girl Senpai or anime in general. If you are interested in watching his reactions, you can support him on Patreon and get access to his exclusive content2. You can also watch some of his shorter reactions on his YouTube channel1 or check out the reaction mashup of the finale episode3.
YaBoyRoshi Bunny Girl Senpai Full Reaction
Episodes | Vidyard Link |
1 | Vidyard |
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13 | Vidyard |
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