YaBoyRoshi Dororo Full Reaction

YaBoyRoshi is a popular YouTube channel that posts reactions to anime, movies, and other media. Dororo is an anime series based on a manga by Osamu Tezuka, about a young boy named Hyakkimaru who is cursed by demons and seeks to regain his body parts with the help of a young thief named Dororo. YaBoyRoshi has posted reactions to all 24 episodes of Dororo, and has received positive feedback from his fans. His reactions are humorous, insightful, and entertaining. He also discusses the themes, characters, and plot of the anime in his videos. You can watch his reaction to the second episode of Dororo here. If you enjoy his content, you can also support him on Patreon or check out his merchandise.

Episodes Links
Ep 1 Vidyard
Ep 2 Vidyard
Ep 3 Vidyard
Ep 4 Vidyard
Ep 5 Vidyard
Ep 6 Vidyard
Ep 7 Vidyard
Ep 8 Vidyard
Ep 9 Vidyard
Ep 10 Vidyard
Ep 11 Vidyard
Ep 12 Vidyard
Ep 13 Vidyard
Ep 14 Vidyard
Ep 15 Vidyard
Ep 16 Vidyard
Ep 17 Vidyard
Ep 18 Vidyard
Ep 19 Vidyard
Ep 20 Vidyard
Ep 21 Vidyard
Ep 22 Vidyard
Ep 23 Vidyard
Ep 24 Vidyard
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