Semblance of Sanity Silver Spoon Full Reaction

Silver Spoon is a slice-of-life comedy anime series that follows Yuugo, a city boy who enrolls in an agricultural high school and learns about farming and rural life. Semblance of Sanity is a YouTube channel that produces reaction videos to various anime and web series, including Silver Spoon. They have reacted to the two seasons of Silver Spoon, which consist of 22 episodes in total, and they have uploaded their full-length reactions on their Patreon page1 and 2 for their patrons. Their reactions are usually funny, heartwarming, and insightful. They often express their appreciation and interest for the animation, the music, the voice acting, and the story of Silver Spoon, as well as the characters and their struggles. They also comment on the themes and messages of Silver Spoon, such as friendship, education, food, and dreams. They sometimes compare Silver Spoon to other slice-of-life or comedy works. Some of their fans have commented that they enjoy their reactions because they are genuine, enjoyable, and respectful of the source material and the culture.

Sure, here’s the organized table for the provided content:

Season 1

Episode Full Length Link Mini Link
1×1 YouTube Vidyard
1×2 YouTube Vidyard
1×3 YouTube Vidyard
1×4 YouTube Vidyard
1×5 YouTube Vidyard
1×6 YouTube Vidyard
1×7 YouTube Vidyard
1×8 YouTube Vidyard
1×9 YouTube Vidyard
1×10 YouTube Vidyard

Season 2

Episode Full Length Link
2×1 YouTube
2×2 YouTube
2×3 YouTube
2×4 YouTube
2×5 YouTube
2×6 YouTube
2×7 YouTube
2×8 YouTube
2×9 YouTube
2×10 YouTube
2×11 YouTube
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