“Burst Angel”, also known as “Bakuretsu Tenshi”, is a riveting anime that masterfully combines elements of adventure, girls with guns, and mecha into a compelling narrative1. The story is set in the near future, where a rise in criminal activity has led the Japanese government to allow citizens to possess firearms and establish the Recently Armed Police of Tokyo (RAPT)1.
The series follows a band of four mercenaries, named Jo, Meg, Sei, and Amy1. Jo is the muscle of the group and the pilot of Django1. She carries out various missions for Sei and helps her friends when they’re in need1.
The story opens with Kyohei Tachibana, a male college student at a culinary arts school with dreams of someday becoming a pastry chef1. He becomes caught up in a shootout between a mysterious silver-haired woman and a psycho gangster1. Kyohei escapes unharmed and ends up working as a cook for Jo, Meg, Amy, and Sei in an effort to gather up enough money to travel to France1.
“Burst Angel” does an excellent job of portraying the transformation of Kyohei from a simple culinary student to someone who gets involved in the chaotic world of crime. His interactions with the members of the group are particularly noteworthy. Each member has a unique backstory and personality, adding depth and complexity to the narrative.
The anime also shines in its exploration of the psychological aspects of its characters. It delves into the minds of its characters, revealing their fears, desires, and motivations. This psychological depth makes the characters relatable and engaging.
In terms of visuals, “Burst Angel” boasts stunning animation and character designs. The vibrant colors and detailed backgrounds add to the overall appeal of the anime.
In conclusion, “Burst Angel” is a captivating anime that offers a unique blend of genres. Its engaging narrative, well-developed characters, psychological depth make it a must-watch for any anime enthusiast.