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Canaan is an action anime about a mercenary with synesthesia who fights terrorists and uncovers a conspiracy involving a deadly virus.

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Duration23 mins
Release DateJuly 4, 2009
End DateSeptember 26, 2009
FormatTV Series

Oosawa Maria is a Japanese photographer currently working in Shanghai, China. Along with her partner Mino, she searches for potential newsworthy stories throughout the city. When strange events occur at a local festival, Maria and Mino immediately investigate. Quickly, the two are immersed in a battle between unknown masked men and a strange, white-haired woman. Just when Maria is about to be caught in the crossfire, an old friend by the name of Canaan appears and helps Maria escape. But a sinister plot over a deadly virus soon develops, and Canaan learns she must confront her past if she wants any chance at stopping the perpetrator and saving her friends.

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Editor's Review

Canaan is an action anime series that aired in 2009, based on a scenario from the visual novel game 428: Shibuya Scramble. It is a thrilling and suspenseful story of a mercenary with synesthesia who fights terrorists and uncovers a conspiracy involving a deadly virus. The anime is produced by P.A. Works and features the music of Yuki Kajiura, known for her work on anime such as Sword Art Online and Madoka Magica.

The anime centers on Canaan, a young woman who has a special ability called synesthesia, which allows her to perceive sounds, smells, and emotions as colors. She is an expert assassin who works for a mysterious organization called Snakes. She is sent to Shanghai, China, where she encounters Alphard, the leader of a terrorist group called Snake and her former mentor. Alphard is also a synesthete, but she has rejected her ability and seeks to destroy the world with a bioweapon called Ua virus. Canaan also meets Maria Oosawa, a Japanese photographer who is covering an anti-terrorism summit in Shanghai. Maria is a survivor of a terrorist attack in Shibuya two years ago, where she was infected with the Ua virus but was cured by Canaan. Maria becomes Canaan’s friend and partner, as they try to stop Alphard and Snake from unleashing the Ua virus.

The anime has a fast-paced and intense style that matches the genre and the theme of the story. The animation is crisp and fluid, using realistic and detailed backgrounds and character designs. The action scenes are well-choreographed and exciting, featuring gunfights, explosions, and hand-to-hand combat. The music is fitting and effective, using orchestral and electronic tunes to enhance the mood and the tension of the scenes. The voice acting is decent and expressive, using different languages such as Japanese, Chinese, and English.

The anime has a complex and diverse cast of characters, each with their own personality, background, role, and development. Canaan is the main protagonist, but she is not a typical heroine. She is cool, calm, and skilled, but also emotional, loyal, and compassionate. She wants to protect Maria and her friends from Alphard and Snake, but she also wants to understand her own identity and purpose. Alphard is the main antagonist, but she is not a typical villain. She is cold, ruthless, and cunning, but also charismatic, confident, and elegant. She wants to destroy Canaan and the world with the Ua virus, but she also has a past connection with Canaan and a hidden motive for her actions.

The anime also features other characters who have their own stories and roles in the plot. Some of them are allies or enemies of Canaan’s group; some of them are members or leaders of other factions; some of them are humans or synesthetes; some of them are based on historical or mythical figures. They all add depth and variety to the anime.

Canaan is an anime that will keep you on the edge of your seat. It has an engaging plot that combines action and mystery; it has an attractive style that showcases reality and fantasy; it has an interesting theme that examines synesthesia and identity. It is an anime that I recommend to anyone who likes thrilling and suspenseful stories.