Fluffy Paradise
Fluffy Paradise is an anime that follows the slice of life and comedy of Nana, a girl who loves fluffy animals and works at a pet shop. She meets various cute and funny pets and their owners and learns about love and friendship.
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MyAnimeList Rating
Year | 2024 |
Seasons | 2 |
Formats | Streaming |
Opening theme | "Cotton Days" by Sizuk |
Ending theme | "Fuwa Fuwa Party Tsurarete Happy (ふわふわpartyつられてhappy)" by harmoe |
Broadcast | sunday |
Status | Finished |
Release Date | January 1, 2024 |
Format | TV Series |
Dead of overwork at age 27...
Midori barely had time to lament having to die that way when a god appeared before her and said, "You will reincarnate in another world and tell me whether you think humans deserve to continue existing there. In return, I will grant you a special power." Then Midori, hoping to relieve the exhaustion of the harsh life she'd lived, found herself asking... to cuddle cute, fluffy animals.
Thus Midori reincarnated in her new world as a young girl named Nefertima, with a power that causes her to be loved by all living things other than humans. That includes not only animals, but holy beasts like white tigers and dragons, and even monsters like goblins and frozen spiders! But there was also a cruel fate awaiting her...
Nefertima is determined to do her best to coexist with humans and all living creatures in her new life of petting and patting cute animals!
(Source: Crunchyroll)
Note: Each episode streamed 1 week early on ABEMA. The original TV broadcast started on January 7th, 2024.
Characters & Voice Actors
Nefertima Orphe MAIN | |
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Editor's Review
Fluffy Paradise is an anime that follows the slice of life and comedy of Nana, a girl who loves fluffy animals and works at a pet shop. She meets various cute and funny pets and their owners and learns about love and friendship.
The anime is based on a webtoon series by Neko Neko, published by Webtoon. It was adapted by Doga Kobo studio and aired from April to June 2023. The anime has 12 episodes and a second season has been announced for 2024.
The anime is a mix of comedy, romance, and cuteness, with some elements of drama and fantasy. The anime has a bright and cheerful animation style, with adorable and expressive characters and backgrounds. The anime also has a catchy and fitting soundtrack, with a pop-themed opening song and a relaxing ending song.
The anime has a fun and heartwarming story, with a plot that balances well the humor, the emotion, and the cuteness. The anime explores the themes of friendship, family, work, and dreams, as Nana and her co-workers face various challenges and joys in the pet shop. The anime also has some twists and surprises that keep the viewers interested and curious.
The anime has a lovable and diverse cast of characters, with a protagonist that is relatable and charming. Nana is a kind and cheerful girl who has a passion for fluffy animals and wants to become a veterinarian. She is also a clumsy and naive girl who often gets into trouble and misunderstands situations. She is surrounded by supportive and hilarious friends, such as Riko, a tomboyish and energetic girl who works at the pet shop, Kento, a handsome and gentle boy who is Nana’s crush and a regular customer, and Mimi, a fluffy and smart cat who is Nana’s pet and best friend. She also encounters other characters, such as Shiro, a mysterious and cool boy who is a rival pet shop owner, Yuki, a sweet and shy girl who is Shiro’s sister and assistant, and Coco, a fluffy and mischievous rabbit who is Shiro’s pet and Mimi’s love interest.
Fluffy Paradise is an anime that is enjoyable and entertaining, as it offers a refreshing and original take on the slice of life genre. It is an anime that appeals to fans of comedy, romance, and cuteness, as well as to those who love fluffy animals and pets. It is an anime that is worth watching, as it is a fun and cozy journey in a fluffy paradise.